Sunday, July 27, 2008

Praises & Prayers 7/26/08

ABF Announcements


Mike Murphy - health, work

Steve Warren - stomach cancer (has spread)

Leaders - needed for 9th/10th greade boys Bible study (ABF hour). Pray positions are filled. If you feel led to lead these boys call the youth office to volunteer 469-698 2200

Tate - Pray for teaching job for Stephanie. Pray for their children over the loss of their dog, Bear

Thomas - Darrin's sister's marriage

Paramore - Pray for healing for Kristi - allergy/sinus problems for over a week. Direction for Kristi to find a teaching position that will work with her and Maddi's schedule.


Leadership meeting - Team huddle - 8/5 Tues at 6pm

Women's Ministry - WOW - 8/6 Wed from 7-9pm at Jill Lanier's home

Men's Ministry - Thanks to the men who mowed this morning!!

Growth Groups

Tolberts - Devotional 7/28 at 6:30pm at Tolberts


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Praises & Prayers 7/19/08 Followup

If you would like to check out Steve and Sheri Warren's blog, here it is. It truly is inspiring.


Praises & Prayers 7/19/08 Followup

Hi everyone,

I have a prayer request. Our next door neighbor Dianne Nabors (Larry is her husband) had the EMT out last night, her heart was fluttering. Withing the last 1 1/2 years she went through treatment for lung cancer and she seems to be doing ok and now last night she had this. The last year and a half has been really tough on them, please keep them in your prayers, thanks.

Thomas Morris

Praises & Prayers 7/19/08 Followup

have a few things... We missed church tonight because Jonathan is a bit under the weather. There's something going around on his swim team and maybe we got it. I've been dragging him all over the place doing Army stuff, today, so he might have just been tired...

Prayer request: My brother Ron and his wife Angie meet with Peyton's lawyer tomorrow. (Angie's daughter form previous marriage, who's father is trying to take her from Angie.) Please pray that the lawyer is discerning and will see what is best for Peyton.

Also, Eric's soldiers are leaving town a week from Monday for their final training before leaving for Iraq in the fall. I am just so heartbroken after being around all these precious families this weekend. Please pray for them as they go through this emotional and stressful week. I heard one wife talking about how tomorrow morning will be their last day to go to church as a family for the next year or so... Thing like that are just so gut wrenching...

The Soldiers will be boarding buses on Monday July 28 around 8:00 am to leave the Armory at Red Bird. (South Dallas) They would love to have a group there to send them off with cheers and signs if anyone is interested.


Praises & Prayers 7/19/08



Murphy's- Mike's health, in that the doctors will be able to completely find out what is wrong and what medication is best for him to take, also for helping him with balancing work so that he can work but not overdue it and for the bike and trailer to be bought this week.

Lazaro's- Angela's grandmother has her last Chemo treatment this week

Hale's- House full of family

ABF- Steve Warren who has been diagnosed with stomach cancer and given just months to live, that he would be healed, but most importantly that God's will be glorified through all of this, also pray for the camp going on this weekend, for the campers, counselors and leadership

Prda's- Russia mission trip to be going well, that God's will is being done and for safe travel home

Thomas'- Darrin's sister and brother-in-law's marriage

Young's- Vacation in Colorado next week, safe travel

Cruz- Vacation next week, safe travel and quality time with kids


Jennings- Raymond had a extremely stressful project last week and prayers were felt. Thanks to those who prayed and to God for providing him strength, knowledge and endurance to make it through.


Leadership Meeting- Team Huddle, Tue. Aug 5th; 6p.m.


Cox- Thurs. Aug. 17th, 6:30p.m.

Cruz- Monday Aug. 29th, 6:30p.m.

Greer- Sunday Aug. 24th, 12:00 place TBA


Brooks/Cox- tonight after ABF @ Joe Willy's

Cruz/Tolbert/Non Growth Group Members- Sun. 7-20 9a.m. to 11a.m. @ Harry Myer's spray park

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update to Praises & Praises July 12th

Hi ABF family
We want to first thank you all for your prayers. They we're truely felt.
The test results did in fact show that Mike does have Relapsing Polychondritis. It also showed that he has mild Sero- negative Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The doctor added another medicine to help him deal with that. But because one of Mike's blood test showed his liver count to be high he was not given the best medicine that is available to him.
When he goes back on August 13th he will get his blood tested & maybe then his liver count will be down. The doctor changed his pain medication so maybe he won't have to take so many. One of the side affects of the new medication is that it can lower his white blood cells (the cells that fight against infections) and cause some big problems.
With all that said we ask that you continue to pray for the following: Mike to be able to work and not have to take off 1-2 days afterwards to regain his strength, for his immune system to get stronger then ever before, for COBRA to get worked out (we are paying for everything and getting reimbursed right now), for his bike and/or trailer to sell, and finally for our family to draw closer to the Lord and each other. Thanks again for your prayers & support. You all are a blessing to our family. Mike & Shana

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yesterday's social

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are having a great start to the week. How fun was yesterday? There was a beach towel left at the pavilion. If you are missing one please contact Shana Murphy (469-338-8533) to see if it is yours. Also the turn out was great yesterday. It was so wonderful to get together and spend time with this great class. In all, we had about 71 people in attendance and 20 families were represented. This included Ms. Farmer and her granddaughter, the sweet family our men have been helping by mowing her grass. What a treat to meet them and share in their joy. We have an amazing group and I am so glad to be a part of it. Thanks for everyone's help with the food and for coming. Have a blessed week. Jenn Tolbert

Good Shepherd

ABF Family,

What a wonderful weekend. As mentioned in class for the Young's Saturday was great. We finally found some time to just relax as a family. Yes there was a project list as always but we chose to just let it sit for a day. I hope each of you can find time to just relax this summer. As for Sunday, wow. In spite of the extreme heat, a lot of our abf family showed up to eat and have fellowship. Thank you to those that made this special time a reality.

We discussed Jesus as both the Lamb and the Lion on Saturday. I appreciate everyone cracking open their Bibles and reading the descriptions of Jesus. How amazing to have a Savior that is both of these normally apposing characteristics. As we read, he truly fulfills both. Take comfort that regardless of your situation, He will both comfort you and fight your battles when He is called upon.

For this week, we will look at Jesus The Good Shepherd. I look forward to how God speaks to you as you spend time with Him this week.

Be Blessed,


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Update to Praises & Prayers 7/12/08

Also, add Jerusha to the team serving at pre-teen camp! She is going along as well.
Thanks for remembering all of us in your prayers next weekend. :)


Praises & Prayers 7/12/08

Prayer request:

Murphy's - Will get test results on Monday.

Lanier's - unspoken

Furguson's - Hometown church is in search of new pastor

Prda's - Russia missions trip through the 20th. Team member Erica Lyle came down with kidney stones the morning they were leaving and still continued on the trip.

Thomas' - Misty Bounds' father is undergoing chemo treatments. He is an unbeliever.

Martinson's - brother and sister-in-law are having custody issues. Also Thomas family in need of guidance and prayer.

Tolbert's - John's mother has undergone an ultrasound because of concerns her doctor had. She will find out the results soon. Also, Jenn and Joey's aunt has developed spots on her lungs after being in remission from cancer.

Cox's - Brent's uncle passed away. Pray for the family during this time.

Wickham's - the family is on a 2 week vacation. Pray for travel mercies.

Tate's - are traveling as well

Preteen camp next weekend. Pray for safety, cooler weather, and that God will be revealed to the 4th and 5th graders. A special thanks to those serving at the camp this year, including Vicki Jennings, Stacie Middleton, and Dee Young from our class.


Greer's - an inmate with whom Mike has been talking with in prison has begun to see God's grace through the healing of his family.


Mike and LeeAnn Anderson
Jeff and Kathy Lomont


ABF Social Sunday July 13th at Harry Myers splash park and pavilion. It will begin at 12:00. Sign up list reminder is below. A special thank you to all of you who signed up. It is greatly appreciated. Hope to see everyone on Sunday!!!

Mowing - July 13th, 8a.m. at Mrs. Farmers' home. 919 North Alamo in Rockwall

W.O.W. Bible Study - August 6th 7-9 at Jill Lanier's home.

Sign up list reminder:

Hot Dogs (2 packages) Buns (2 packages)
Hales Lazaros
Cruz Lazaros
Tolberts Coxs
Youngs Furgusons

Individual size chip bags Canned Drinks
Middletons Sextons Coke & Cherry Coke
Langstons Lazaros Dr. Pepper
Jennings Langstons 7up
Laniers Martinsons Diet Coke & Root Beer

Bottled Water Kids Pouch Drinks
Greers Cruzs
Youngs Jones
Jennings Gattons
Jennings Laniers

Desserts Grill Items
Stolmans - pies Thomas
Sextons - brownies
Middletons - Cookies Condiments
Hales Tolberts
Coxs - cookies

Friday, July 11, 2008

Missions meeting

Good Morning,

Please don't forget about the Missions Committee meeting tomorrow night after ABF. If you are not on the committee, but are interested in either being on it or just seeing what we are doing, please feel free to stay.

See everyone tomorrow in ABF!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Church Ministry opportunity

Good Morning,

There is a new ministry that is starting up at Lakpointe - HIV/AIDS ministry. There is an informational meeting this Sunday after church (around 12:10 pm) in room A122. I will be there, as I am so excited that Lakepointe is starting this ministry. I have been waiting for this for awhile. I know that it conflicts with our ABF social, but I just wanted everyone to be aware in case you are interested.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lamb Lion

To All,

Please enjoy your time in the word this week. I look forward to our discussion on Saturday.

In Him,

***Note from Blog Editor***, Please see "Our Favorite Websites" Section "Thee Word of The Week" for this weeks lesson.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Social Updates!

Young's will bring hot dogs, case of bottled waters and a dessert=) Looking forward to it!

Items needed for the July 13th social


Here is an updated list of items still needed for the social. If you can help with anything please e-mail me ASAP. Thanks so much. Remember if you are bring food, please arrive by 12:00. We will be eating at 12:30. Also you may want to bring chairs, blankets, sunscreen, etc... Can't wait to see everyone. Jenn Tolbert

Hot Dogs (2 packages) Hot Dog Buns (2 packages)
1. Hale 1. Lazaro
2. Cruz 2. Lazaro
3. Tolbert 3. Ferguson
4. 4. Cox

Individually wrapped Chip Bags Canned Drinks
1. Middleton 1. Sexton - Coke - 12 pack
2. Langston 2. Lazaro - Dr. Pepper
3. 3. Sexton - Cherry Coke
4. 4. Langston -

Bottled Water Kids Pouch Drinks
1. Greer 1. Cruz
2. 2. Jones
3. 3.
4. 4.

Desserts (bring serving utensils if needed)
1. Stolman - Strawberry pie and Blueberry pie
2. Sexton - brownies

Grill Necessities (Charcoal, Lighter fluid, matches)
1. Thomas

Fixens (Ketchup, mustard, relish, and mayo)
1. Tolbert

Grillin' Dads (Hot dog Cookers)
1. Tolbert
2. Hale
3. Lazaro
4. Murphy

Missions Opportunities

Please review the "Our Favorite Websites" Section for the "Ministry Hot Sheet" for the latest in Mission Opprotunities!

Food Of The Month

Food of the Month Club

Items for July
wCanned Soup
wCanned Chili

§ Kitchen next to A139
§ Volunteer Center
§ A122 Hospitality Room
§ Building “W” 2nd Floor Workroom
§ Building “A” 2nd Floor Workroom

Thank you for meeting the needs of our community!

Praises & Prayers 7/5/08


Thanks to the Cox Growth Group for providing snacks and drinks tonight.

Families of the Month, highlighted on the bulletin board are the Chastain's and Wickham's, take some time to stop by and get to know them better.

Murphy- Continue healing for Mike and wisdom for the doctors looking over the tests. Job opportunities and sell of Motorcycle and trailer.
Prda- Safe travel and wisdom for mission trip to Russia; marital and Evangelical
Tate- Safe travel next weekend
Jones- Kelley's dad's drug addiction has consumed his life: no job, bad health, marital problems and consequently we have had to break all ties to him after many failed attempts to help with interventions.
Cruz- Friend, Shelly Warren, has lost her job, she had a interview with a private school on Monday but won't know for two weeks if she will be called back in for a second interview.
ABF- Safe travel and Mercy for those on the vacation path this weekend

ABF- Men's outing was great and the mowing of Mrs. Farmer's yard has continued to have a good turn out. Thanks to all who have given there time to serve this family.

ABF Social- July 13th, 12:00p.m. sharp. Lunch will be served at 12:30p.m. Harry Myers Spray Park.
Missions- Food of the Month of July; Canned Soup and Canned Chili

Cruz/Tolbert/Non GG Members- July 20th 9a.m. Harry Myers Spray Park, bring breakfast for your family

Cruz- Monday July 14th, 6:30p.m. @ the Furgurson's, visitors welcomed, bring dinner for your family and let the kids enjoy a blow up water slide.
Greer- Saturday July 12th, after ABF; dinner @ Luigi's

Jennifer Love (817) 564-4289 (welcome back)
Stephen Maran (817) 328-3200
Pam Gatton's Parents (welcome back)


Good Afternoon,

We will be having a missions committee meeting next Saturday after ABF in our ABF room. It should not take too long. We will be formulating a survey to send to the whole class about what missions project we would like to do next as a class. We will also have an area for questions/comments about the current things we do: Food of the Month, Preschool Partners, and Missions fund.If you are not on the committee and would like to have some input, please feel free to stay and meet with us.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Details for the Young ABF social

Hi guys,

We will be having our Young ABF social on July 13th at Harry Myers splash park. It will be here before we know it. Below is the current sign up sheet. If you have not had a chance to sign up OR you signed up but your name does not appear below, please e-mail me a.s.a.p. with the item you wish to bring. Thank you so much! We are going to have a great time. Jenn Tolbert

Hot Dogs (2 packages) Hot Dog Buns (2 packages)
1. Hale 1.
2. Cruz 2.
3. Tolbert 3.
4. 4.

Individually wrapped Chip Bags Canned Drinks
1. Middleton 1. Sexton - Coke - 12 pack
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Bottled Water Kids Pouch Drinks
1. Greer 1. Cruz
2. 2. Jones
3. 3.
4. 4.

Desserts (bring serving utensils if needed)
1. Stolman - Strawberry pie and Blueberry pie
2. Sexton - brownies

Grill Nesecities (Charcoal, Lighter fluid, matches)
1. Thomas

Fixens (Ketchup, mustard, relish, and mayo)
1. Tolbert

Grillin' Dads (Hot dog Cookers)
1. Tolbert

this month's mission trips

Please pray for the following teams that will be going
on mission in

New York - Team Leader Matt Humber.
Russia - Team Leader Alan Hudson.
Russia - Team Leader Alan Hainline.
Russia - Team Leader Todd Fournier.
Egypt - Team Leader Trent Worsham.
Mexico - Team Leader Don Shipp.
Mexico - Team Leader Greg Bradford.
Cuba - Team Leader Brent Williams.
Seattle - Team Leader Brian Bunch.
Ghana - Team Leader Wayne Slay.
Ghana - Team Leader Debra Amerson.
Arlington - Team Leader Matt Humber.
Portland - Team Leader Mason Randall.
Portland - Team Leader Matt Larsen.
Portland - Team Leader Mike Henry.

RE: Would you like to lower your Energy bill? Not an MLM thing... It's free....

I had the following email forwarded to me from one of Eric's coworkers this afternoon. I called immediately upon receiving it. They will be at my house as soon as we get back from vacation.
The state of Texas pays for this, you will only need to pay a $10 gas surcharge for the people to drive to your house. Also it is true that you get a $15 check for every person you refer. Cool!
The lady I spoke to on the phone said it was done on her house and her most recent electric bill was 10% lower than the month before. My most recent bill was double that of the previous month...
Subject: Need help with your electric bill?? READ!!!!

HI Everyone, Hope you are having a great summer!! Thought I would share a free service to you:

I got a ENERGY ASSESSMENT this morning. It should help in our electric bill. The Public Utility Commission of Texas has mandated that energy usage be reduced. This statewide energy conservation program is available to qualified Electric Customers. So..... what that means is IT'S FREE!!! If your house is 5 Years old or older, you can have this company come out and they will caulk doors, windows, air vents, anything that needs it. They put a fan in the doorway and suck out the air in your house and go around checking for air leaks EVERYWHERE!!!! They put weather stripping on all doors that need it. Your A/C air duct work computer tested and repaired. Carbon Monoxide test, if you have gas appliances. Air infiltration test and draft control improvement, etc. This is provided by the Government to help you "Go Green".

So, if you would like to do this, and I do not know why you wouldn't want to. Remember it's FREE, if your house is 5 yrs. or older. Call Jack @ 214-215-3037. Leave a message and they will call you back. Tell them that Marla Coy sent you. For everyone you refer, you get a $15.00 check. So, it's good for you too. :)

Have a Blessed Day!

Marla Coy
ABF Family:
It was good to see each other Saturday night. Those who were not there, know that you were missed and we hope to see you in class soon. I hope everyone enjoyed the rest of their weekend.
Speaking for the guys in the class, Sunday was an awesome day of service and fun. We started the morning with mowing at Ms. Farmer's house. Once again, we had nine guys show up and we were done in under twenty minutes. Joe Cruz had even come by earlier in the week and picked up Ms. Farmer's broken mower. He was able to get it running again and used it on the yard this week. What this shows me is that our class has a heart to not just do the bare minimum in ministry for one another and others. Instead, our class looks for opportunities to meet needs that go beyond the surface, doing more and more to show the love of God. In the afternoon, a group of ten guys from the class gathered for our men's laser tag/whirlyball event. It was a great time of friendly competition and fellowship. Who knows, we may have to start a Young ABF whirlyball team. If you weren't able to make it this time, don't worry. We will definitely plan another whirlyball event in the future.
***Note from Blog Editor...See "Favorite Website Section" for the Word of the Week.*** Brian will continue to lead us in our study of the names of Jesus. I guess it is fitting that the week following "Bread of Life" would be "Living Water." Please take time this week to prepare for the discussion in class. Above all else, take time each day to pick up your daily amount of manna from heaven in the form of Jesus. Spend time with Him and let His manna sustain you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Re: How God holds us together/Laminin

ladies, this is the louie giglio video i was telling you about at wow last's incredible! please watch! thanks for sending this out, chris!


Ministry need

Listed below is a need from the Prison Ministry at church if you can help.Pam
Greetings Prison Ministry Friends,

The Philemon House at Cornerstone is in need of (5) ceiling fans.
If you or your ABF would like to help please bring a ceiling fan
to the drop box located in W205.

Thank you so much,
Dennis Gant

How God holds us together/Laminin

Young ABF,
This is about nine minutes long but well worth the time. Hope you enjoy.

Chris Chastain

Praises & Prayers 6/28/08


Murphy's- Mike's health, family finances and for a work conversation that will occur on Monday. Pray Mike will deal with this employer in a manner that is pleasing for the Lord.
4th of July weekend- Pray for safety during travel and for all related activities through out the weekend for everyone in our ABF.

ABF SOCIAL: Sunday July 13th, please sign up in ABF (if you have already signed up it is asked that you sign up again as the first copy was lost.)
WOMAN'S MINISTRY: Ladies needed to help Cindy Martinson on Tuesday to unpack her friends new home, contact Cindy if your willing to help; WOW on Wednesday, July 2nd 7-9 p.m. @ Natalie Thomas's house, directions to follow next week
MEN'S MINISTRY: Mowing for Mrs. Farmer 919 N. Alamo, tomorrow Sunday June 29th, 8a.m.; Men's outing for Whirly Ball meet at the church @ 12:45, west side near children's building to be at the place in Plano by 1:45p.m. Questions, contact Chad Sledge
MISSIONS: July 10th; Prda's head out for mission trip to Russia

Cruz- Monday July 14th, 6:30p.m. Place TBA
Greer- Saturday July 12th, Dinner after ABF
Tolberts- Monday June 30th, 6:30 @ the Tolbert Home

Cruz/Tolbert/Non GG Members: Sunday June 29th has been CANCELED and moved to Sunday July 20th.
Middleton/Greer: June 28th Joe Willy's after ABF
Brooks/Cox: See you GG Leader for details


Good Morning,

We had such a great time last weekend at the ALife church. They were so hospitable. The joy and love of the Lord just exuded from them. Their worship was wonderful. They were so free and expressive. We also enjoyed the delicious African food. Thanks to those who came out to support this. I believe I speak for everyone who went that we were definitely blessed.Here is a pic of our group after eating. A few had to leave early.


Men's Outing


Are you signed up for the Men’s outing? After talking to Chad, the answer seems to be NO. Come on guys lets all call Chad and reserve your spot for the Guys outing this Sunday. I am sure it will be a great time. Ladies, please encourage your men.

Brian E. Young
Area Manager
AxoGen, Inc.
13859 Progress Blvd., Suite 100
Alachua, Fl 32615
214-405-2962 mobile

Mike Murphy Update

Just a quick update on the tests Mike has undergone the past couple of days - some of the tests have apparently shown some results not previously detected in the tests run by the other doctors, specifically with the issue affecting Mike's ribs. Please continue to pray for wisdom and knowledge for the doctors and medical technicians as they decipher the results of the test and try to diagnose Mike.

Please also continue to pray for the Murphys in the following areas: 1) Mike is giving up smoking and will need strength and prayers as he battles through the withdrawal and cravings, and 2) Mike is currently trying to sell his motorcycle, trailer and truck to help alleviate some of their financial obligations during this time that he is out of work. Please pray that God will bring buyers to the Murphys.

Being Inspired

To all,
Check out the video link.

Also I want to say congratulations to Brian Young, Barry Brooks and Tim Glasson for going for their goal at the Ironman in Idaho last weekend. I'm not sure how it turned out for you guys, but to train the way y'all did and attempt it, is awesome. I would tend to believe that you would have to be Inspired by Him.

Chris Chastain

RE: ABF Announcements 06-21-08

Good evening All,
I have to confess, I visit and watch Joel Osteen regulaly and I am making my monthly visit to Lakewood Church in Houston this evening. Yes, this is the Joel Osteen chuch. God chose to use him the night I hit rock bottom in October 2003. He had a message on at 1:00 AM when I came in from the bar for the last time. I have never seen or heard of Joel being on at 1:00 AM since that night.
With God all thing are possible...I frequently remind myself how true that is.
Be blessed!

Michael Wayne Greer
Sales Manager-North America
The Whitmore Group
KATS Coating Division
214-796-6120 Cellular

I am a travel agent now!

I have been a travel agent for a while and am excited about starting to book travel for friends and family. My website is or just call me at 214-498-3394. I will be sending an email that will give you weekly deals on travel. If you are interested in seeing them then just click yes to accepting them. The search engine allows you to go on and look at travel with or without talking to me. I am here to help if you want me to look it up or you can just play around and see what is available. Please feel free to forward this email to others. I really appreciate your support.

Jill Lanier

Jennifer Update

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late email!

I emailed about two weeks ago to let everyone know that the first work night went so well. I had two ladies and 3 teenage girls that were such a blessing and really got a lot accomplished.

Last week, we didn't go for two reason. One, no one else was had expressed an interest in going. And I didn't keep trying to find someone to go, because Jennifer thought she was probably going to have to work late...

This week, I didn't email earlier, because I was sure if Jennifer had a conflict...

But she doesn't and needs some help... We could do it tonight or tomorrow night which ever night I can get a little help... If I could just find 2 or 3 people.

The dinning room still has several boxes that need to be unpacked. She still needs work on her closet and we need to buy/install braces for the rod in there. And honestly the whole garage pretty much needs to be emptied out, sorted, and repacked... She's certain there is a box of dirty clothes in there, but we can't find it. Very exhausted people just put boxes and things in the garage as the house filled up and there was no where for things to go...

If you could please let me know if you could help tonight or tomorrow that would be great. please call my cell. 972-898-2540.

Thursday is Jennifer's birthday, so I'll probably pick up a cake on the way, maybe a little snack..

If you can't help, but would like to send your helpful teenager, I would be happy to drive them!


Mike Murphy update

Mike has an appointment tomorrow AM with a specialist that will hopefully shed some light on the medical issues he is experiencing. The appointment is very early in the morning. The appointment itself is an answer to prayer. As of yesterday, they were not going to be able to get an appointment until July 11th. The doctor's office called today and said they had an opening for tomorrow. Mike's insurance currently only goes through the end of this month, so you can see how the moved up appointment is both a blessing financially and mentally. Please pray for Mike and the doctors that God will give them wisdom and knowledge to address Mike's medical needs.

Also, Mike is currently trying to sell some of his items. Someone is supposed to come look at his motorcycle today. Please pray that God will bring buyers so Mike and Shana will have sufficient funds to meet their obligations while Mike is out of work.


Praises & Prayers 6/21/08 More Updates

Hello ABF Family,
I have another prayer request. As many of you know I have been baby sitting since January for a single mother of two. Her name is Shelly Warren and she lost her job last week. She receives no help from the father of the kids who lives in Mississippi. As with anyone who losses a job there is always fear, but Shelly is the only provider these kids have and she is unable to collect unemployment. Her last employer gave her a company car which was a blessing when her husband left two years ago as he took the car they owned. Her ex employer told her that he would sign over the car to her if she would sign a statement saying she quit. She was between a rock and a hard spot, she was going to loose her job either way, but felt having a car would be the better of the two. If you could keep her in prayer as she looks for a job that I know she would appreciate it. Thanks so much.
Theresa Cruz

RE: Thoughts on Healing


Thanks for the question. Since you've been studying Mark, I'm sure you already know that there is some question as to the authenticity of Mark 16.9-20 since other earlier copies of the gospel do not include those passages. In the discussions on this passage of which I am familiar, most people focus on the snake-handling and poison-drinking statements. I don't think I've heard many arguments disputing the driving out of demons, speaking in tongues or healing through the laying on of hands. As we discussed in class Saturday night, when faith is evident and present, Jesus/God can heal all physical, emotional, relational and spiritual wounds because he has been given supremacy over everything (Col. 1.15-20). I do not believe this passage is a command to the believers to start picking up snakes or drinking poison as a test of their faith, although there are bodies of believers that seemingly base their entire doctrine and worship on those two statements.

Is there a Biblical example of snake handling? Yes. When Moses was uncertain about confronting Pharaoh, God told Moses to throw his staff down and it turned into a snake. When Moses picked it up by the tail, it became a staff again. Aaron and Moses did this in front of Pharaoh, but there was a reason. Exodus 4.5 says: "This," said the LORD, "is so that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you." (NIV) You see, the attention/glory for handling the serpent was to be turned to God, not the handler. As for the drinking of poison, I cannot recall any specific example, but I do recall a passage during the exodus from Egypt where bitter water was miraculously turned into sweet, drinkable water for the Israelites. Again, this was performed for the glory of God and not for an individual.

Even if we accept these passages as authentic and the Spirit-breathed Word to us, I do not see them as a command to engage in those activities as a test of one's faith which is how they are used most commonly today. I believe the intent by the author is to show that no attempt to squash the spread of the gospel message would work. Remember, that the early Christians were often persecuted. Both the leaders of Judaism who did not accept Christ and the civilian government wanted to put a stop to the spread of Christ's message because it was seen as a threat to their own "power" and "authority". Could it be that attempts may have been made to poison the leaders of this new radical movement? Possibly, but that may just be the conspiracy theorist in me coming out. The real point is this, I think: God's Son Jesus Christ came to bring reconciliation between God and mankind and, for those that live in faith and seek to share that good news, God will do mighty and wonderful things (yes, even supernatural) in their lives as a result of their obedience so that glory will be brought to His name. Does that mean that I should go out and pick up venomous snakes and drink poison as a test of my faith and a test of God's honoring of my faith? I don't believe so. However, if God so chooses to bring glory to His name in that manner when I am faced with that circumstance, then He will do so in His divine judgment and discretion.

That is just my thoughts on it. I guess you have to be careful what you ask for...;o)


Word for the Week: "Bread of Life"

ABF family:

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Congratulations to Barry Brooks, Tim Glasson and Brian Young on their accomplishments with the Ironman triathlon in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We should also give a big thank you to Pam Gatton for coordinating the class mission experience with our sister church in Arlington and to Chad Sledge and Bobby Hale for coordinating the men's service opportunity at Ms. Farmer's house in Rockwall. Our class is extending out beyond the walls of room W214 making an impact for Christ in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. With that said, please be in prayer for the Prda's as they make final preparations to represent our class, our church and, most importantly, our Saviour in Russia during the month of July.

It was an honor for me to be before you on Saturday night leading the discussion on Jesus as Healer. Brian will be back this Saturday. ***Note fom Blog Editor...See "Our Favorite Websites" for the Word for the Week***. This week, we will look at Jesus as "Bread of Life".

May you live in God's blessings this week.


Thoughts On Healing

Good morning ABF,
I have been studying Mark and Acts this month.
What do you think about Mark 16:14-20…?
Just curious…

Michael Wayne Greer
Sales Manager-North America
KATS Coatings Division
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-796-6120 Cellular

Praises & Prayers 6/21/08 Updates

Hi Everyone,
We have two prayer requests.

1) A friend/coworker of Chris----Anthony- His son was rushed to Children's from Waxahachie with what they think is spinal meningitis. Anthony was out on the road going to Kentucky to Houston to Dallas so Chris caught them in Texarkana to take over for him so Anthony could be with his son. Please pray, first of all for Tanner (Anthony's son) and their family. Also, please pray for Chris and his co-driver and their safety.

2) Another friend/co-worker of Chris ---Martinez Family -George and his family were on vacation in California visiting family and Friday George dove in the pool and and broke his neck. He will be paralyzed form the chest down. He and his wife have 4 children. This is a complete shock. Please pray for him and his family.

Praises & Prayers 6/21/08 Revised


Murphy- Mike needs prayers for healing and also provisions for the family
Thomas- Friend, David Hill is having BYPASS surgery on Tuesday
Middleton- Joey is traveling for work next week, please pray for safe travel and for family while he is away.
Bounds- Misty's dad has cancer and is undergoing Chemo, he has a MRI on Thursday to determine plan. Pray for good news.
Young- The family is on vacation, pray for safe travel
Brooks- The family is on vacation, pray for safe travel
Tolbert- John and Jenn fly to Atlanta this week. Pray for safe travel and for Jenn's mom who will be watching the kids.
Cox- Healing for Sonja's grandmother
Cruz- Healing for Joe who is sick

Thomas- Their neighbor, Barbara, that was on the prayer request about 5 weeks ago is recovering well from back injury.
VBS- Another great year, with several kids making a decision to follow Jesus. Also for all the lives that were changed by serving.

ABF Social- June 28th after ABF all are invited to CiCi's for dinner; Sunday July 13th, Harry Myers Spray Park 12-5
Women's Ministry- WOW on Wednesday July 2nd 7p.m. Place TBA
Men's Ministry- Mowing for Mrs. Farmer tomorrow 8a.m.; Whirley Ball June 29th
Missions- Arlington Church worship tomorrow, 6/22 meet 9a.m. at Salt Grass in Rockwall

Growth Groups:
Cox- July 3rd; cookout @ Paramore's; July 17th Adults only dinner @ Bucca de Peppo
Cruz- June 23rd, Chuck E Cheese's 6p.m. (to celebrate Angela and Blake Furguson's birthday) Visitors invited

Growth Group Mini Socials:
Cruz/Tolbert/ Non Growth Group Members- 6/29 outing has been canceled due to some who have mini campers being picked up that morning, stay tuned for new date TBA next week
Greer/Middleton- Sat. June 28th after ABF @ Joe Willy's

Visitors Welcomed:
Phil and Misty Bounds II (972) 429-1712

Praises & Prayers 6/21/08


Murphy- Mike needs prayers for healing and also provisions for the family
Thomas- Friend, David Hill is having BYPASS surgery on Tuesday
Middleton- Joey is traveling for work next week, please pray for safe travel and for family while he is away.
Bounds- Misty's dad has cancer and is undergoing Chemo, he has a MRI on Thursday to determine plan. Pray for good news.
Young- The family is on vacation, pray for safe travel
Brooks- The family is on vacation, pray for safe travel
Tolbert- John and Jenn fly to Atlanta this week. Pray for safe travel and for Jenn's mom who will be watching the kids.
Cox- Healing for Sonja's grandmother
Cruz- Healing for Joe who is sick

Thomas- Their neighbor, Barbara, that was on the prayer request about 5 weeks ago is recovering well from back injury.
VBS- Another great year, with several kids making a decision to follow Jesus. Also for all the lives that were changed by serving.


ABF mowing commitment

How many guys will be able to mow Mrs. Farmer's yard this Sunday 8am? This conflicts with those attending the Arlington Church but if we have enough guys that are not going to Arlington and will be able to mow then we will not change the time.

Chad Sledge

ABF Men's Whirlyball Event

Our Whirlyball/Laser tag event is scheduled for Sunday June, 29th. We need to be at the location in Plano (NW corner of Independence & Parker) by 1:45pm. We will meet on the west side of the Church under the parking garage at 12:45pm to carpool. The parking lot should be cleared enough by then from those Sunday churchgoers. The cost per person will depend on how many guys attend. The whirlyball will be $150 for the group and lasertag is $5/person. So, for 15 guys the cost would be $15 total. We should be done by 4:00pm at the latest then we can go get something to eat or whatever. If you have never done this before, it is a lot of fun and does not require any athletic ability which is great for me! Come on. Bumper cars and a wiffle ball. Genius combination!Please reply to me if you are planning on attending so we can get a headcount and know who is in the carpool so we don't leave before you get there. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I have included the website for the whirlyball place and a google map link to the location.

Chad Sledge