Monday, September 29, 2008

Re: Fall festival

Hey guys!

There was a mistake on the fall festival sign up form. WE NEED ALL SPOTS FILLED!!!!! If you would like to sign up for a spot to work the ticket booth please visit and sign up under the YOUNG ABF column. The festival will be help Friday night, October 24th. Remember each volunteer receives 2 festival tickets for their children. Thanks so much for helping and sorry for any confusion.

Jenn Tolbert

Follow-up on Depravity lesson and Interpreting the Incarnation

I apologize for not covering all of the lesson Sat. night, but the additional discussion about the care account was just as important and vital to the mission of our ABF. As promised, attached are some additional notes. This is essentially my outline from class. I hope it makes sense. I want to reiterate what I said at the beginning of the lesson. I know this topic creates all types of questions and philosophical issues that we just don't have time to cover in detail during our class time. I will make myself available to meet with anyone that wants to discuss their questions on this topic or any other topic we are covering in this Contending for the Faith series. ***Note from Editor, contact John for phone numbers***

Now, on to next week. Attached is the Word for the Week. We will look at and discuss how God Himself existed among humankind in the person of Jesus Christ. I look forward to a great discussion and fellowship with you.

Have a fantastic 7-5-2 week with God and your family.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Re: Fall festival

Hi guys,

We discussed in ABF class tonight the upcoming Fall Festival. It will be Friday, October 24th, 5:00 - 9:30.

We decided to sponsor a ticket entrance booth this year. This year you can sign up on line for a volunteer spot at Please go and look on the website under the Young ABF slot. You can sign up for a slot that is available. PLEASE KEEP IT TO ONLY 3 PEOPLE PER TIME SLOT. If you signed up in class I added you to the list already. If you have to cancel you may also do so through the website, so that the slot is free for someone else to sign up in that time slot. Our class undo code is monkey (don't ask).

Also remember if you volunteer you get 2 tickets to the festival. You can bring bagged candy to donate to the festival starting next week. There will be bins located around the church building. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail or call.

Jenn Tolbert

Praises & Prayers 9/27/08


Please visit the blog at

Murphy- Mike has testing to be done on Monday @ 7:30- CT Scan; James is having asthma flare ups that are serious
ABF- Families 7-5-2- prayer initiative
Tolbert/Middleton- Jenn and Joey's mother (Nikki) will have oral surgery on Oct. 3rd

ABF: Fall Festival 10/24- sign up for ticket booth (need 3 per time slot.)
WOMEN'S: WOW Wednesday 10/1 @ La Madeline's 7p.m. Please RSVP with Jill Sledge @
Meals for the Giles Family, this week, Mon. is Angela Furguson, Wed. is Vicky Jennings, and Friday is Leah Stolman. Thanks for providing Kele and her family a meal. Please check the sing up sheet to see if there are days you can fill in if you haven't yet had a chance to sign up
PRE SCHOOL PARTNERS: Thanks to the Elliott's for serving tonight, next week 10/4 are the Stolman's

GG Leader: meeting on Sunday 10/12 11:30a.m. at the Cox's (children welcome and bring an appetizer)
Cox- Thursday 10/2 @ 6:30p.m.
Middleton- Sunday 10/12 5:30p.m. in ABF roomTolbert- Sunday 10/28 5:30 p.m. @ the church

Fireproof movie


I have 2 tickets for the Fireproof movie tonight @ 7:00 starring Kirk Cameron. If you have an interest in coming please call me ASAP. We have planned to meet at 6:15 at the Harbor in front of the movies to try to get seats together. We have several couples from the ABF class going and would love to have you join us. Thanks

Jenn Tolbert

Re: prayer request

Hi Guys
I want to thank you for your prayers. Mike is not in so much pain. His rheumatoid arthritis doc increased his meds & pain meds. Mike will call in a week to find out the results of the lab work they are doing. Most of the meds that he is taking takes time a (4-6 months) to show any signs of working. we aren't there yet so it's hard for Mike to keep taking the meds when you still feel like you did before taking anything. We went to regular doc yesterday because of some abdominal pain and he goes in for a CT scan Monday (9-29) at 7:30. He wants to check to make sure that nothing is getting overlooked because of everything else going on. Please be praying for the scan to show everything clearly and the doctors & everyone to be able to see exactly what is there. Thanks ahead for your prayers.

Have a blessed day!Shana Murphy

Prayer Request Update

Dear ABF Family-
In regards to the prayer request for Sharron who was having leg issues, she did have to have her lower leg amputated yesterday. The doctor said that if they waited one more day that she would have lost her whole leg. She is in good spirits as she has had such trouble with her foot and leg over the years do to diabetes. She knows that this will be a whole new process to get used to but also knows that it could have been so much worse. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to keep her and Terry in your prayers as they go throughout the next few weeks.
Sincerely,Theresa Cruz

Prayer request

ABF family:

Please pray for the Murphys today. Since Saturday night, Mike has been in severe abdominal and other pain. His prescription painkillers have not eased any of his discomfort. They talked to Mike's doctor's office about the pain and he is going in today to see the doctor. It is likely that Mike may be sent to a pain management specialist. Please pray that God, our Healer and Comfort, will be glorified today.

Dealing with Depravity and Support material for last Saturday

ABF Family,

What an awesome class on Saturday night. As you could tell myself and others were quite passionate about the topic, Living the Truth. God's truth is the truth, period. Many will come that try to distort this fact and as we learned, they will answer to God for this. As Barry put so well, if others dont accept the truth shame on them. If we dont know that truth as belilevers, shame on us. We are not expected to convince anyone that Christ is the way but we are comanded to know His word and tell others.

Let me caution you, do not allow guilt in your heart or mind if you do not have the answers that people ask about our saviour. Just make this a motivator to know Him more. Spend time in the Word and meditate over what it says. God will reveal the meaning. Live your life daily as the truth tells you and read the truth so you can share the good news.

As promised, I have attached some of materials that I failed to bring to class. I searched so I could compare the Truth tothe false religions that are out there. I hit the topics of Jesus, Bible and Salvation. Read and begin to understand the lies and distortion of the truth that are out there. Pray for these lost people that they would come to know the Truth.

Live in the Truth,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Praises & Prayers 9/20/08 Follow-Up

Hello ABF,
Just a reminder, Inmate Nelson will be released on Monday, September 22nd. He will be attending Cornerstone Church in South Dallas. Please take a minute on Monday and pray for him.
Also, mark your calendar for the November 12th Man Church. I will be speaking about how I overcame my the sin of alchohol that later became an addiction. October 13th will be 5 years of victory over that sin!
Have a great week!

Michael Wayne Greer
Sales Manager-North America
The Whitmore Group
KATS Coating Division
214-796-6120 Cellular

Praises & Prayers 9/20/08

ABF- class member that are serving elsewhere during the ABF hour
Hurricane Ike victims and families
Middleton- friends of Stacie and Joey's the Allison Family 10 year old daughter died the morning of her birthday due to a virus she got that went to her heart; also for safe travel for Joey this week as well as prayer for his family while he is away.
Brooks- Krisha has ex co workers that are young and immature and have drinking problems.  One of them lost his life this past week in a car accident and prayer would be for them to see this tragedy and to change their lives and habits.
Murphy's- That job opportunities that are on the table to be of God's will and continue prayer for physical healing for Mike.
Cruz- one of Joe's employee's wife Sharon is in the hospital with an infection to her leg, blood flow is not good and they may have to amputate her leg if the blood flow does not get better in the next few days.
Furguson- a boy who is on their soccer team has visited the church twice now and came tonight.
Young- Dee's brother is back from Iraq safe and sound two months early, and will be here for good now.
ABF- 10/12 ABF Mini Retreat during ABF hour.  
Fall Festival 10/24 5p.m. to 9:30p.m. sign up to help out in class
FIREPROOF MOVIE 9/26. 9/27 and 9/28 (great Christian movie for married couples, try to go and see it while it is out in theaters.)
MEN'S- Mowing for Mrs. Farmer tomorrow 8a.m.
PRESCHOOL PARTNER'S- Serving next week is the Elliot's, thank you.
WOMEN'S- Meals for the Giles Family 
bringing meals next week are Monday- Sonja Cox; Wednesday- Mita Wickham; Friday- Theresa Cruz
BROOKS- Sat. 9/27- Dinner after ABF
CRUZ- Mon. 9/22 6:30p.m. @ the Cruz's; bring appetizers
MIDDLETON- Sun. 9/21 5:30p.m. @ the church
TOLBERT- Fireproof movie this weekend (more details to come)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Living for the Truth

ABF Family,
I'm back!  Well, I made it through my 20th High School Reunion.  I know for most that is a shock. You though I was 30.  Dee and I had a great time; however, missed seeing every one in class.  I am sure that Jill conveyed God's word in a wonderful way as she always does. 
Well on to the week ahead.  Are you a 7-5-2 family?  If you heard Steve preach and saw the craziness around the church before and after services you know what I am talking about.  We are all being encourage to transform our lives along with those around us by praying more than ever before.  Pray 7 times a week for your family, pray 5 times a week with your family and 2 times a week with your spouse.  I dont know about ya'll but prayer is the most powerful thing for Christians.  We will talk more on Saturday day about this topic; however, in the mean time Let's Pray. 
Take time this week to prepare for our discussion on "Living for the Truth."  Have a blessed week and I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday night. 

Praises & Prayers 9/13/08

For everyone effected by Hurricane Ike
Martinson- Eric is still away helping with the storms, is now headed to help with Ike, there are several soldiers who families are all alone during this time, one of them lived in area hit by storm and choose to stay there with her eight children, also Jennifer (Cindy's Friend) whom had a yucky divorce and many helped move in June has lost her job.  Praise is she has a peace that God's in control.
Tate- Collyn is sick with fever
Morris- Hudson has been sick with fever all week
Murphy- Mike's health, family finances and for guidance in the area of Shana working full time, also need still exists for the sell of Mike's truck and bike trailer.
Thomas- Natalie's mom's discernment @ moving; financial difficulties
Martinson- Cindy's dad's heart cath. test went well.  His heart hasn't gotten worse although they can't do anything to improve it.  His kidney survived!!!  Her mom did an alternative medicine thing and is now recovered from Mono.
Murphy- Mike sold his motorcycle and is away from that debt.
Hale- Melissa's cousin who lives in the area where the storm hit is o.k.
ABF- Many have families that live near the area's the Ike hit the worst, and so far all are o.k.
CHURCH WIDE: Marriage's that last seminar $30, provides childcare and breakfast 8-11a.m.
ABF- Pre School Partner's; thanks to Natalie Thomas who served tonight, Tim and Elaina Langston are scheduled to serve next weekend the 20th.
WOMEN'S- Taking meals to the Giles Family. 
Please visit to see what day you have signed up for.  Please go in and change your info and add what you think you may be bringing. 
The undo code is food
Once you have changed your info you can assign any undo code you like so no one else can change your entry except for you.
There were two who signed up for days that were already taken that I forgot to mark off, Angela Moran signed up for Wed. Sept. 17th and Vicki Jennings signed up for Wed. Oct. 8th.  Please except my apology and look at the web site to see if there is another day you feel you could sign up for.  It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, as long as it is open, please fill free to take it if you can. 
CRUZ- Monday Sept. 22nd 6:30p.m. @ the Cruz's; Visitor's welcomed
MIDDLETON- Sunday Sept. 21 5:30p.m. @ the church; room TBA
TOLBERT- Sunday Sept. 28th 5:30p.m. @ the church; room TBA

Friday, September 12, 2008

Word for the Week

Good morning, everyone.  I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated everyone's participation in our discussion Saturday night.  I recognize the challenge presented in trying to cover topics like the Trinity and Creation in the short time we have in class.  It is very difficult to fully cover all of the issues and questions that a discussion on these topics can raise.  I would like to follow-up on one issue we discussed.  While I believe that the Bible is not a science textbook and that a discussion of the creation events is best fitted for the realm of faith and not science, I also believe that the Bible is not anti-science.  True, the Bible does not use scientific language as we know and understand it today and it explains events that science cannot repeat or test, but just because it is non-scientific, does not mean it is anti-science.  That is an important distinction we should all understand.  If anyone has any lingering questions or discussion points on either issue (Trinity or Creation), please feel free to call me (972-439-8219) or email me (  I still have a lot to learn on both topics and am happy to take that journey with you.
This week, Jill Sledge will lead us in a discussion on believing in and relying on the Bible as God's Word.  I know God will bless Jill's preparation this week and she will present God's revelation to us as His Spirit inspires her heart.  Please take time to pray for Jill and to prepare your own hearts by working through the Word for the Week.  
We are truly blessed to be a part of this fellowship.  May God use you for His glory this week.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Praises & Prayers 9/6/08 Followup

Please pray for the family of Steve Warren as he passed away Saturday morning at 3:30 am. Please also pray for continued financial provision for all of the medical bills and praise that Sheri can return to her job as soon as she is ready.

Praises & Prayers Followup

Hello ABF,
Please pray a friend of our family; Landon Light. He has a rare blood disease. Chldren's Hospital has completed two out of three available treatments. They have started the third but no real change. Landon is 10 years old.
Also pray for inmate Nelson as he will be released on 9/22. He will be going to Cornerstone Church in South Dallas.
Thank you,

Michael Wayne Greer
Sales Manager-North America
The Whitmore Group
KATS Coating Division
214-796-6120 Cellular

Praises & Prayers 9/6/08

Thank you to the Middleton Growth Group for providing yummy snacks and drinks tonight, everything was wonderful and Mita, your dish was a hit!!
Families for the month of Sept. are the Cruz's and the Tolbert's, take a look at the bulletin board and get to know them a little better.
Murphy's- Mike has a guy coming tomorrow to look at his motorcycle, pray that he will want to buy it. Continued prayer for Mike's health and family finances.
Cruz- Little girl Theresa takes care of, Shee Stroup (5 yrs old) had four crowns and four feelings done today and is in a lot of pain, pray for quick healing and comfort.
Landon Light is having a MRI on Tuesday, pray for good results
Thomas- Natalie's mom is having financial difficulties and needs to move, continued prayer for Steve Warren and his family. (Steve has stomach cancer and hospice and the end is very near.)
Cruz- Presley Giles (6 1/2 months) got to come home for the first time on Tuesday. She is doing well, thank you for all of your prayers.
ABF- Great fellowship last night at the Supper Surprise.
Church Wide- Marriage's that last seminar on 9/20 $30; childcare and breakfast provided
Men's- Men mowing for Ms. Farmer @ 8a.m. and for the Giles following, Man Church Wed. 9/10 6p.m. food, 7p.m. Service
Mission's- Pre School Partner's; thank you to Darrin Thomas for serving this weekend, Natalie Thomas to serve next weekend 9/13
Women's- Adopting Giles family and providing food M-W-F until Dec. 15th. Thank you to those who signed up to take them a meal. If you did not get to sign up and want to provide a meal, the sign up sheet will be in class next weekend or you can e-mail (Theresa Cruz @ to sign up.
Brooks- Friday, Sept. 12th @ 7p.m. @ Brook's home
Cox- Thursday, Sept. 18th @ 6:30 p.m. @ Cox's
Cruz- Monday, Sept. 8th @ 6:30p.m. @ Cruz's
Middleton- Friday, Sept. 12th @ 7p.m. @ Wickham's
Tolbert- Devotional moved to last Sunday of the month @ 5:30p.m. @ the church...Room TBA; Social TBA soon
Doug and Becki Hensel
Gary and Renee Hart 214-621-6344

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Young ABF Event

Supper Suprise, Friday, September 5th, 6:30 p.m.

************ It's not too late to sign up for the Supper Surprise!!! *******************

Please "REPLY" to this email to confirm your reservation (even if you signed up in class). We will call ahead for seating at the restaurants so it is important for us to know for sure if you are attending (we also need to know a final number in order to determine how many restaurants are needed). We will meet under the covered parking lot at the church @ 6:30.

We hope you will join us this Friday night!!


The Event Team

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Word for the Week

Thank you to everyone in class Saturday for the great discussion on the Trinity. I will send a separate email with a few follow-up thoughts. While believing in the Trinity has a direct correlation with our beliefs on salvation through the sacrifice of Christ, we should not get too frustrated by our inability to comprehend how God is Three and One at the same time. God is divine in nature. He was not created by man, therefore, his nature cannot be fully comprehended by man. We can, however, trust and believe in the Trinity as it is revealed to us in Scripture and through His work in our lives, even though we don't fully comprehend it. Live with the hope that He will fully reveal Himself to us and we will have a full understanding of Him when we live with Him in Heaven for eternity. This week, we will look at comprehending creation. Attached is the Word for the Week. Please work through it and let's have another great discussion this week in class.
Also, please be in prayer about how God might use you and your family to minister to the Murphys during this time. If you have any questions about how you can help or need some ideas about their needs, please feel free to contact me or Brian at any time.
Have a blessed week and we'll see you on Saturday!

WOW this Wednesday!

Hi Ladies,
I'm excited about Wednesday, 9/3! My house (Location Edited) from 7-9...just us girls. It will be a great time to relax, fellowship, get to know each other better, and get in God's Word together. Even though the calendar doesn't change until January, we moms know the new year begins with school! I can't wait to talk about new plans for WOW and what the upcoming year holds. I hope you'll come and be a part.
Since I didn't get a sign up sheet passed around, please let me know whether or not you can come...I like to know who I'm cleaning my house for! :) ha!ha!ha!
Directions: ***Note from Editor, Please Contact Jill for directions***
See you Wednesday! :) If you'd like to, feel free to bring a snack to share...

Praises & Prayers 8/30/08

Visit our blog at
Martinson- Eric has been called up to help with the storm, may be gone as long as a month. Cindy's parents are very ill. Her dad is having kidney problems and her mother has pneumonia.
Furgurson- Thank you for your prayer's this past week. Please continue to pray for healing for all of us. Everyone in family has bronchitis
Hale- Melissa's co-worker (Jessica) first pregnancy not doing well. First sono showed no embryo, more tests to be done on Tuesday
Murphy's- Mike's healing and family finances
Cruz- Presley Giles (6 months old) with Downs is doing better, but has started crossing her eye's. Doctors don't know if she is going through with drawl or if there is a neurological disorder they overlooked. She was scheduled to come home Tuesday for the first time, but now that is up in the air.
Elliott's- The Elliott's son Blayke who is six had a serious health scare this past week, but because of the prayer's from their growth group and the ABF they are happy to announce that he is going to be o.k.
Martinson- Eric and Cindy are expecting their 3rd child, Cindy is 7 weeks pregnant
ABF SOCIAL- Supper Surprise 9/5 6:30p.m.- meet under the parking garage @ church
CHURCH SEMINARS- Marriages that last cost is $30 8a.m. to 11:30a.m. Childcare provided
MEN'S- Man church Wed. 9/10 @ 6:30p.m. in the Gym
MISSION'S- Food of the Month Club- needs for September are Canned Spaghetti and Canned Stew
PRE SCHOOL PARTNER'S- Darrin Thomas to serve 9/6; please be in the sandy beach between 5:30 and 5:45p.m. Thank you. Thank you also for those who signed up to serve, Sept. and Oct. were completely filled in
WOMEN'S- WOW 7-9 p.m. @ Jill Sledge's home this Wed. 9/3
COX- Thurs. Sept. 4th @ 6:30p.m.
CRUZ- Mon. Sept. 8th @ 6:30p.m.
TOLBERT- Sun. Sept. 28th @ 5:30 @ church, room TBA