Sunday, November 30, 2008

Praises & Prayers 11/29/08


Middleton- Joey is sick with fever
Tate- Brian has been sick with fever and Brad has Strep
Furguson- Randy's grandmother fell and broke her femur bone, and had surgery. Looking at about 8 weeks for recovery.
Thomas- Friend, Missy Bounds father is suffering with cancer and isn't expected to make it much longer, prayer for comfort for him and that his is indeed saved, feelings are he might be.
Cruz- Friends friend Pam had Thyroid cancer and had surgery yesterday, there were complications and she is in ICU.
Jones- Father's drug addiction severe, prayer for Kelley's mother for continued strength and decision about divorce.
ABF- For all those traveling this weekend

ABF- Christmas Party and service project in ABF on 12/13. More info to follow in later e-mail, stay tuned.
MEN'S- Man's Retreat, 1/23-1/24 $75 includes conference fee, lodging and 3 meals
PRESCHOOL PARTNER'S- Thank you to Brian Young for serving tonight, serving next week 12/6 is Darrin and Natalie Thomas
DEC. 23, 2 P.M.
DEC. 24, 2 P.M., 4 P.M., 6 P.M.

Brooks- 12/5 Christmas Party
Tolbert- 12/14 10a.m. Bowl A Rama in Rowlett

Monday, November 24, 2008

Man Church Survey


If you have attended Man Church, your opinion is needed. Please hit the link below and give the church your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time.

Using Money Wisely

Good morning, everyone. From the number of smiling red faces in the class, I think we all had a good time discussing improving our home relationships. Brian's questions and activities certainly made it fun to discuss. I mean, how often do you get to discuss romance with your spouse while using crayons? (That is a rhetorical question.) This week, we will continue our discussion on our faith. As you can probably tell, we have been moving in a direction that deals with the practical application of our faith in our community and home. This week, we will discuss the wise use of money. Please work through the attached Word for the Week and come prepared to participate in another great discussion. Have a great week and see you Saturday.


Ghana Update

GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I got a message late last night that $2100 was in my
account!!!!!!! He answers prayers as we know=) Thank you so much for your
prayers and the financial support that poured in. I have to reach $3000 by
December 29th and I KNOW that will be there as well!
Love all of you dearly and get ready, when I come back I am sharing everything
that I experienced!!!!!!!!!
Joyfully in HIM,

Praises & Prayers 11/22/88


Wishing all of you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Murphy- Mike is still having flare ups with his health
Hale- Bobby's back pain
Young- continued prayer for their niece Cody Lee who is 13 and was raped. She is going through counseling and it is going well. Pray that justice prevails with the man charged- he is being charged with 50 counts against four girls.
Cruz- Please keep Sharon and Terry (friends of Joe) in your prayers. Sharon had her leg amputated about six weeks ago, and was doing well, however has now started having trouble in the other foot and leg and has had to have her big toe removed. She also suffered a stroke last week and is having trouble remembering Terry and simple things about her life. Please also pray for our neighbor Pam who has pneumonia and has developed blood clots in her lungs. She is in great pain, and is very weak.

Young- Dee is at $2100 of her $3000 needed for her mission trip to Ghana. God is good. Thank you for all the prayer and financial support.
Murphy- Mike's liver is back to normal which is a huge praise
Jennings- God has supported Raymond through a very long and tough project which he just completed today, and started in June.

ABF: Christmas Party; Happy Birthday Jesus Sat. 12/13 in ABF and for a while after
MEN'S: Men's retreat @ Sabine Creek Jan. 23-24th $75
MISSIONS: Please keep missions in your prayers, mission for Lake Pointe Senior Center, and also a possible mission trip to San Diego or Mexico. Please keep Russia in your prayers also.
PRESCHOOL PARTNERS: Thank you Kelley Jones and Raymond Jennings for serving tonight, serving next week 11/29 is Brian Young.

Brooks- Dec. 5th @ the Brooks home 7p.m.
Cox- Dec. 4th @ the Sewell home 6:30p.m.
Tolbert- Dec. 14th @ Bowl A Rama 10a.m.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Re: ABF Announcements 11-15-08

Thank you very much for the support that many of you have given me for Ghana! It has been truly amazing and a blessing!! I am so close, $525 away from tomorrows deadline, PLEASE PRAY that these funds would funnel in tonight and the balance would make it to $2000 to reach the first deadline!
Thank you again and many blessings to my dear ABF,

Improving Your Home

ABF Family,
Well we did it. Another great discussion.  A discussion about a very highly charged topic, the sanctity of life.  From conception to old age, life is valuable despite what society might say.  We are all made in God's image and he has a plan for each and every one of us.  We as Christians must stand up for life!  Be a part of the solution.
So on to this weeks topic, Improving Your Home.  A much lighter topic, but no less important.  Get into the word of the week and lets discuss how we are going to improve our homes. 
Have a wonderfully blessed week,

Praises & Prayers 11/15/08

Sherry Guilory- Divorce/Family
Morris- Nikki's niece and her husband lost their baby, she was 17 weeks pregnant
Murphy- Mike's health; Friend-Avery Harper problem with drugs and alcohol.
Sledge- Emily has Strep
Thomas- Natalie asks that prayers would be for Patty W to return to her Thursday night bible study and give God a 2nd chance
Young- Brian and Dee's niece in Tenn. was lured to a bathroom in Wal-Mart and was raped this past week, prayer for her and for her family.
Gattons- Alan and Pam are proud to announce that after five years they are debt free
Stolman- Dale's mom hip surgery went well and recovery is also going well, she is home now.
ABF- Thanksgiving Feast at the Prda's 3p.m. 11-16 please have food there by 4p .m.
WOMAN'S- Meals for the Giles, this is the last week we are providing them a meal, thank you so much for being so willing to serve this family in their time of definite need.  Meals this week are being provided by Shana Murphy on Monday, Theresa Cruz on Wednesday and Melissa Hale on Friday.
PRESCHOOL PARTNERS- Thank you to Raymond Jennings for serving tonight, next week is Chad and Kelley Jones.
COX- Thanksgiving Feast 6:30 p.m. Thursday 11-20 at the Sewell's home.  Girls day is 11-22-08
MIDDLETON-Friday 11-21 7p.m. at the Wickham's
TOLBERT-Sunday 12-14 10a.m. Bowl-A-Rama in Rowlett

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for my niece and her husband. She is 17 weeks and just found out the baby is dead. They believe the baby had been dead for about a week. She will be induced tomorrow morning and will deliver. Please pray for God to give them strength during this difficult time.

Thank you,
Nikki Morris

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dale's Mom: Surgery went great; Recovery is in need of a prayer

Hey guys,
I just wanted to send an update on Dale's Mom. Her hip surgery went well yesterday. It has gone far more smoothly than her surgery on the other hip last year. Thank you so very much for the prayers. We could definitely feel them there with us (and with Mary and the doctors).
Dale visited her today and found out she is needing more blood as her hip is still bleeding from the surgery. The doctors seem ok with this and not worried at this point. But we would like to modify her prayer request: please pray for her recovery and for a control on the bleeding.
Dale and I are truly blessed to be part of such a great class. We cannot thank you enough.
Guys - Please see the information below about the men's retreat at Sabine Creek. Let's get another good group from the Young ABF together for this one. I promise I'll try not to snore everyone out of the cabin this year. I may even bring a bulk set of industrial-strength earplugs.


-----Original Message-----From: Eddie Walker [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 12:45 PMTo: Tolbert, JohnSubject: Neal Jeffrey Retreat
If you cannot see this email properly, click here

Or copy & paste this into your browser:

I wanted to encourage you to get your registration in for the Neal Jeffrey "The Man I Want to Be" Retreat at Sabine Creek Ranch on January 23-24, 2009! We have church groups and individuals from across the Metroplex who are already signed up, and we'd like to go ahead and complete the registrations.As a reminder, you can either stay here at the Ranch or go back and forth. Since the price includes three meals, however, the cost is the same either way. If you have a group coming, we will reserve a meeting space for you to use if you let us know in advance. Also, we have flyers for the weekend that we can send you if you'd like to promote it to your men's group or Bible study class.It's going to be a GREAT conference. Many of you have heard Neal and know that he does an awesome job and always leaves you ready for more. Plus, we'll have the Cross Creek band back to lead us in worship. Invite a friend and let's pack the house!Blessings,Eddie Walker
Can you attend this event? Respond Here

"The Man I Want to Be" Men's Conference with Neal Jeffrey
WhenFriday, January 23, 2009 at 5:00 PM - to -Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 2:00 PM (CT) LocationSabine Creek Ranch576 Sabine Creek RoadRoyse City, TX 75189 Click for Details and Registration Information
Can you attend this event? Respond Here

RE: Prayer

Hello ABF!
I was talking to my taxi driver about his faith. He gave a copy of the Holy Koran. This was an interesting conversation to say the least.
Also, here is a photo of downtown Birmingham, England. It is 5:45 PM here.
Michael Wayne Greer


Hi everyone I know we are continuing to pray for Mike. I spoke with him and he is having a flare up, which is causing him a lot of pain. If we can continue to pray for this specific issue it would be appreciated.

Thanks Joe

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A word from Mike!

--- On Mon, 11/10/08, Mike Murphy wrote:
From: Mike Murphy Subject: Re: Appreciating LifeTo: "Young ABF Young" Date: Monday, November 10, 2008, 8:26 PM
i just want to send out a heart felt thank you to all the people in are ABF family for all the prayers and help you have provided for me and my family there are not words for how i feel are what you have shown me and my family it has been i huge boulder i have been pushing up hill for a while and it looks like i can see the top of the hill and as long as i keep things in order in a few we should be ok again we are not out of the woods but i have a chain saw now please dont stop praying i still have a lot of testing going on and i am not stable yet but where god gides he provides as we all know thank you so much and i hope you all are being as blessed as me and my family are

Man Church Reminder


Remember tonight we are setting up for Man Church. We will meet in the Gym at 8:00 p.m.




Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for praying for me! I actually received very good news actual diagnosis! I have an infection in my lungs that's kind of dragging me down, but now I have a 10-day antibiotic treatment, so, there is an ending in sight! :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Appreciating Life

ABF Family,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  What beautiful weather!  I am sure your family got out and took advantage of it.  Thank you for the great discussion on Christian Community.  John Elliott brought good perspective on what they have found as they grew closer with folks in the ABF.  As he said, it starts by going to church, then ABF, then Growth Group...  The experiences only get better as you function in a true Christian community.  And do not every forget our role in making desciples of others by sharing Chist's love through our words and actions.  We can influence our community, we just have to decide to do so.
Work this week on strengthening our ABF Christian community.  As I challenged, call others in the class this week just to let them know you are thinking about them.  Stay in the Word and I look forward to our discussion this Saturday. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

RE: ABF Announcements 11-08-08

Good morning ABF,
Please keep Levie, Maci, Cole and Cade in your prayers this week. I leave at 1:00 PM today headed for Belgium and England returning on Thursday evening. Also pray for souls to be saved this upcoming Friday and Saturday as 1,000 volunteers go with Bill Glass Prison Ministries here in the DFW area.
Giving God all the glory in the Name of His Son Jesus strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Michael Wayne Greer
Division Sales Manager
The Whitmore Group
KATS Coatings Division

Praises & Prayers 11/8/08


Young- Dee is planning a mission trip to Ghana and is working hard at collecting money needed for her trip.
Stolman- Dale's mom (Mary) is having hip surgery on Tuesday
Sledge- Jill is undergoing some medical tests this week and waiting on results, please pray for clear diagnosis to be made. Jill has opportunity to lead break out for Mom Conference. Please pray for lesson to come together.
Murphy- Mike is in El Paso, new medication is causing him to have migraines, he is there for an extended stay due to demolition guy running behind schedule.
Please keep Shana and the kids in your prayers also.

Sexton- Julie and Brandon are expecting their first child together, pray for healthy and easy pregnancy.

ABF- Thanksgiving Feast @ the Prda's Sunday the 16th, please have food there buy 4p.m. at the latest, eating at 4:30p.m.
MEN'S- Man Church set up on Tuesday the 11th 8p.m., Man Church Wednesday the 12th
6p.m. dinner, 7p.m. speaker
WOMAN'S- Meals for the Giles, Monday- Jenn Tolbert; Wednesday- Vicki Jennings; Friday- Jerusha Elliott
PRESCHOOL PARTNERS- Thank you to Shana Murphy for serving tonight; serving next week- Raymond Jennings

Jim and Ashley Sanders
John Sanders

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Re: WOW this Thursday!

To all of the mommy's with girls.  Keeli Denney is having a mommy and me Christmas Princess Tea.  All ages are welcome.  The cost is
Mommy + 1 child = $25
Mommy + 2 = $35
and then $5 for additional children.
I am taking Taylor and Lauren.  If you would like to come please email me to reserve your spot as
soon as possible.
Jill Lanier

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Re: Urgent Prayer Request

Hi all,
I just wanted to express a heartfelt thanks for the help yesterday with the Murphy's needs. Mike was off with excitement and soooooooo appreciative of those who called last minute to help. Well done, good and faithful servants!
Be encouraged, after this election, to pray for God's will the next four years. We still have a voice and can make a difference. Keep fighting the good fight!
I pray God will give you joy today,
David Prda

A Chosen People

ABF Family,

Regardless of your political views or party affiliation have HOPE!!!! God is not surprised by anything and He is still on His Thrown!!! "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God..." 1 Peter 2:9. Pray and be Holy this day and every day.

In His Most Holy Name,


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Re: Urgent Prayer Request

Hey all,
I just wanted to send out an encouragement for support for the Murphy's.  Mike has been without a job for a while and has tried to work hard to get his bills paid with whatever he could get his hands on.  He now has a chance to get back on his feet with this new position.  However, it takes money to make money.  He has not come to the class before now because he did not know where his first job would be or in what time frame he would have to get there.  He did not expect it to be the day after his paperwork was completed.  I know this is sudden but if any of you feel compelled to give towards his new start, he needs to have enough money to get him through next friday.  He has hotel stays, gas and food at a minimum.  He is supposed to leave today for his trip so even the smallest amount would help.  In a case like this, even $20 means a lot.   You can reach mike by phone at 214-868-5510.  I'm sure they would be overwhelmed by the effort to meet them on such a short notice.
David Prda

WOW this Thursday!

Hi Ladies,
Children's huddle is on our WOW Wednesday, so we've moved WOW to this Thursday, November 6!  I hope this allows some of you who cannot make Wednesday's to come join us for fellowship!  Last month we had a great dinner together, so we're doing it again this month.  This time we'll meet at Chili's in Rockwall at 7pm.  Please come and hang out with the girls of the ABF.  What a great opportunity to get to know each other better and enjoy each other's complany!  I can't wait to see you there!

Please reply to this e-mail and let me know if you are coming so I can reserve a large enough table! :)

Also, I'd like to encourage you to register for the Mom's conference.  It's Saturday, November 15, 9am-3pm.  Vicki Courtney, a well-known "mother/daughter" author, is the featured speaker.  Plus, there are a variety of topic specific break-out sessions.  The cost is only $25 and includes lunch from Celebrity Bakery.  I'll be there...I hope you will be, too!  You can register online at

See you Thursday! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

ABF Family,
Mike has just talked to Joe and he is asking for prayer. He has gotten the job, however needs to be in El Paso tomorrow. In order to get there, he needs to get insurance and then register his truck. He also has to pay his way there which means gas and food. He is going to be there for a week and a half and is very stressed by all of this. Finances, health, leaving family behind. Pray for his peace. Pray that if God is wanting this job for him that provisions will be made. He was not able to get all the medical testing done today either. Please keep Shana and the kids in your prayers as well. Thanks so much.
Theresa Cruz

Man Church November 12th!!

Guys and the Wives that love them,

Man Church is next week, Wednesday November 12th. As in the past, we have agreed to set up and break down for the big event. So her are the details:

Man Church is on the 12th so the details would be:8pm on the 11th a group is needed for about 45 minutes of set up in the gym.8pm or so on the 12th a group is needed for tear down after Man Church. That will take about 25 minutes.

Was that big enough? Good old cut and paste from another email. So please plan on coming out both Tuesday and Wednesday nights for a whole lot of fun!


Connecting in Community and more


Another week and the beginning of November. Where has the year gone? Thank you to John for such a great lesson last Saturday. I due believe I sensed a hint of passion in his voice on the topic of Holiness. We should all have that passion for our own holiness. We must remember who made us and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT that lives in side of every believer. Use IT! I have attached a good way to see how you are doing from last weeks lesson. Play with the exercise and be intentional about your personal holiness.

Now on to this week. I will teach on Connection in Community. Come prepared to share what God says to you this week.




ABF Family-
Great news...Mike Murphy got the job today and will go in on Monday to fill out paper work.  It is only three hours away allowing him to come home each weekend.  If he goes beyond five hours away, his new boss said he would pay for him to come home every other weekend.  Mike's doctor visit gave no answers at this time, his levels are high, the doctor is running more blood test and he will have a sonogram on Monday.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Thanks so much.  See you tomorrow night.
Theresa Cruz

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Prayers & Praises 11/01/08


Daylight Savings starts tomorrow, Sunday. Remember to set your clocks back one hour.

Thank you to the Brooks growth group for providing the class with drinks and snacks tonight.

Families of the month for November are the Ford's and the Tate's. Visit the board and get to know them better.

Murphy's- Mike has more testing coming up on Monday. Please keep him and his family in your prayers and also pray that the doctors will be able to give him some answers.
Hale's- Melissa's Aunt Sherry Saddler has two more spots on her brain, going for more radiation this week.
Furguson's- Client of Angela's was killed in hunting accident, left behind 5 children. Pray for his family.
Cox- Sonja's friend Sandra, dad's passed away in a boating accident. Pray for family.
Cruz- Presley Giles has pneumonia, also keep them in your prayers as their marriage is in serious trouble. Please pray for the Shee Stroup and Tyler Stroup (ages 5 and 3) as well as there mother Shelly Warren as they are going through some very tough times and the kids are having some serious issues going on.
Stolman's- Dale's mother (Mary) is having hip replacement surgery on Nov. 11th; please pray for pre surgery nerves to keep at bay, she is very nervous.

Murphy- Mike got the job he had interviewed with.
Hale's- Melissa's cousin (Michelle Henderson) had surgery on Friday to remove cancer and is doing well as well as the simple blessings of God.
Cruz- MRI on knee came back showing no tears of the MDL just chronic sprains.

ABF- Children's Ministry Huddle this Wednesday 6:30p.m.; Thanksgiving Feast @ the Prda's Nov. 16th 3p.m. Sign up in class.
MEN'S- Man Church 11/12 7p.m. set up 11/11
WOMEN'S- WOW Thursday at Chili's 7p.m., MOM's Conference 11/15, childcare available, sign up on line, Meals for the Giles, Monday-Kelley Jones, Wednesday-Leah Stolman, Friday-Melissa Hale
PRESCHOOL PARTNERS- Thank you to the Brooks for serving tonight, serving next week, Mike and Shana Murphy

Cox- Thursday 11th, 6:30p.m.
Cruz- Friday 14th, 6:30p.m. game night, bring appetizer
Middleton- Sunday 2nd, 5:30p.m. @ Church

Susie (Kelley Jones) mom