Sunday, December 14, 2008

Praises & Prayers 12/13/08

No ABF 12/20 or 12/27. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Jones- Kelley's mother is filing for divorce, cont. prayer for her dad's drug addiction
Cruz- Theresa's right hand and fingers
ABF- For everyone to have a happy and safe holiday
Furguson- Blake is feeling great after a week of having the stomach flu.
Hale- Bob had an injection for his back and it is feeling good.
ABF- Thanks to all who participated in our Birthday for Jesus party, thanks also to Natalie, Jen, Stacie and all others for making our ABF socials so much fun
MEN'S- Man Church is Jan. 14th, Sabine Creek Retreat, Jan.23-24th $75
MISSIONS- Please be in prayer for Dee's trip to Ghana, Food of the Month for Dec. is Beans
WOMEN'S- We missed those of you who couldn't make it this morning. New and exciting plans for next year were discussed, stay tuned for details.
PRE SCHOOL PARTNERS- Thank you to Elaina Langston for serving tonight. Serving next week is Shana and Mike Murphy. There is a need for volunteers on Dec. 27, Jan. 3, and Jan. 10th, if you can help please let Angela Lazaro, Kelley Jones or Theresa Cruz know.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Practicing The Faith Challenge

I hope everyones weekend was great.  As discussed on Saturday, Judgment will come for all of us.  So what do we do in the mean time?  As believers we are called to do good towards others and draw others to Christ.  We do that by using our gifts and talents to Glorify God and share the good news of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds.  We also looked at I encourage everyone to go to this site and explore all the incredible testimonies of folks just like you. 
I am attaching an extra sheet this week. It contains some incredible scriptures that we did not cover on Saturday.  As always The Word of The Week is attached. This will be the last lesson of this series, so please take a look. 
Please make plans to attend this weekend.  We will be having our Chistmas Celebration! 
Have a wonderful week and slow down enough to enjoy this season.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Praises & Prayers 12/06/08

Thomas- Natalie's friend Misty Bounds lost her father this past week.
Tate- Brian is sick
Morris- Hudson is sick with an ear infection and a viral throat infection.
Furguson- Randy's grandmother is doing very well from her broken bone, she is 84.
Langston- Tim and Elaina are expecting their third child.  Congratulations.
Sexton- Brandon and Julie Sexton are having a boy.  Congratulations.
Elliott- John's dad was in ICU earlier this week but went home today doing much, much better.
ABF-Christmas Party 12/13 during ABF and after for the kids and those who work during the abf hour.
MEN'S-Men's retreat Jan. 23-24 $75 at Sabine Creek
WOMEN'S- Christmas party 12/14 10-12 @ the Young's home, white elephant jewelery exchange
PRE SCHOOL PARTNERS: Thank you Darrin and Natalie for serving tonight, serving next week is Elaina Langston.
Thank you to the Cox growth group who is hosting the ABF for this month.  Thank you also for the yummy snacks tonight.
Cruz- TBA
Middleton-12/21 at the Ford's
Tolbert- Bowl A Rama 12/14 10a.m.
Visitors Welcomed:
Andrew Moran ( Dan's cousin)
Ron and Sondra Gray

Misty Bounds

Thank you for praying for Misty Bounds this week. Her father passed away peacefully on Tuesday, and the funeral is tomorrow. Despite her painful loss, she is grateful that he told her he did come to believe in our Savior! It has been an especially difficult time as Phil's ailing grandfather died last week. Consequently, they attended his funeral the same day Misty made funeral arrangements for her father. Please continue to pray for Misty, her family and their understanding of how gracious Jesus is.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Party

Joyful Christmas Greetings, Everyone!

Our ABF Christmas Party is in 2 weeks, Dec. 13th during ABF. It will be a birthday party, and our theme is, "Because God gave us the greatest gift of all, we give to others." We will begin with heavy appetizers during our lesson followed by birthday cake with the children at 8:30. We can give to others by participating with our families in 2 ministries our church has organized. First, select an angel from 1 of 3 Christmas Trees located throughout the church - Discovery Center, the nursery foyer and at the top of the slide on level 2 of the children's building. Drop-off instructions are on the back of the cards. Second, the Food of the Month is any type of beans, dried or canned. These can be dropped off at the Discovery Center. Both of these service projects are wonderful ways to help others while modeling the gift of giving to our children.
We are celebrating until 9:15 in our ABF room so both the children and members who may be serving during the ABF hour can all come to the party! A sign-up sheet for appetizers and desserts will be available Saturday in class. We have simplified the menu to lesson stress and keep the focus on Christ.
In Christ's love,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Staying Alert in the Last Days

To All,

How was that Thanksgiving? Do you feel guilty for all that you ate? Forget about it! You enjoyed yourself and that is all that matters. Those that could not make it Saturday, I surely understand; but you were missed. John taught us how to honor God with our money. What good timing with the Holiday upon us. I challenge everyone to buy one less present or two and find someone that could use the help. The church is providing many opportunitues this season. Just pick one.

Now on to a real light topic... Staying Alert in the Last Days. Spend time each day this week as we get close to the end of our series. I hope everyone can make it to class as we celebrate this holiday season and dig into God's word.

Be Blessed this Week,
