Here are the details for Satuday's Zambezi river trip meeting this Saturday mornng. Are you man enough?? Come check it out.
In His Service,
ABF, How is everyone on Monday morning? We Young's are much better, Mommy is home! Dee arrived safe yesterday but very much under the weather. She experienced awesome things in Africa. God moved and healed in a mighty way!!! Thanks you to John for a great lesson Saturday night. Thank you for painting such a good picture of what we have read in Mark so far. I will continue our journey this week but it will be a little abbreviated. I have asked my lovely bride to share with us about her trip!! So study the word this week and look forward to hearing about how God moved during Dee's trip to Ghana. Have an extremely blessed week. Brian |
YOUNG ABF ANNOUNCEMENTS 02-07-09 A special thank you to the Middleton GG for the yummy snacks tonight. New families of the month...The Gatton's and The Sledge's. Check out the ABF board to learn more about these wonderful family's. PRAYER'S: Furguson's- Randy and Angela took Blake to Care Now tonight and he has the Flu. Please keep him and all of them in your prayers. Murphy- Mike was in a car accident yesterday driving home from Wichita Falls, there were several kids injured in the accident and prayers are for them to be o.k. and heal quickly, Mike also asks for prayers for his family, all of whom have the flu. Elliott- John has strep and the flu Tate- Stephanie is in search of a teaching job for next year and prayers would be that she finds the right one. Brooks- Prayer for Barry's dad (knee surgery) no load bearing for eight weeks, also pray for his mother who is taking care of him; also pray for the Brooks GG as they all met last night and are hoping to not get sick. Morris- Niki is still not feeling great but was able to keep some things down last week, continue to keep her in your prayers. Young- Dee is on her way home from Ghana, and is sick. She is running fever and has chills. PRAISE'S: Stolman- Leah's grandfather is out of the hospital and doing better Murphy- Mike was not hurt worse than he was Tate- Collyn and Bradly are both healthy once again ANNOUNCEMENTS: ABF- Possible ABF Huddle to be held at the end of the month, stay tuned for details Men's- Man Church this Wed. 2/11/09 6p.m. burgers, 7p.m. church Mission- Dee on medical mission to Ghana, food of the month club...Canned Meats and Canned Vegetables Pre School Partner's- Thank you to the Stolman's for serving this week. Serving next week 2/14 are the Elliott's Women's- Sun. 2/22 10a.m.-Noon, watch e-mail for details GROWTH GROUPS: Brooks- Sat. 2/21, dinner after ABF Cox- Thur. 2/19, 6:30p.m. Cruz- Fri. 2/13, 7:00p.m. Middleton- Tolbert- |
ABF Family, Sorry for the delay in this. No excuses just got side tracked and did not get to it. I hope your week is off to a great start. Me and the girls are rolling along and they even said they are having fun with Dad. Dee is doing quite well in Ghana and saw over 300 patients the first day. Please pray for sleep. She has not gotten much rest since she left last week. So on to the lesson for this week. We continue a discussion of faith. Faith is built by putting what you read in His word and believing it when struggles come into life. Read this weeks "Liberating Faith." See where you might need to practice your faith this week. Be Blessed this week, Brian |