ABF Family - Received word this morning that Tim and Elaina Langston had a baby girl at about 5:30 am. Baby weighed in at around 7.5 lbs. No other details right now, but will pass along as I receive. Awesome news, but a bit of a surprise as the baby is a couple of weeks ahead of "schedule". Please be in prayer for the Langstons as they welcome their new baby girl. John T. |
Monday, June 29, 2009
Langston Baby
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Praises & Prayers 6/27/09 Followup 2
Young ABF,
Last night after class I found that I had missed some calls only to find out that my sister-in-laws grandfather had passed away.
Some of you my remember my brother Tony & his wife Holli, they came to class a few times only to find themselves serving at the Firewheel campus, where they attend today. Holli's grandparents live in Oklahoma and just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary this past weekend.
They have a home that has air conditioning but with the state of the economy on them, her grandfather opted to not run the A/C. Holli's mom, who lives here in Dallas as well, usually calls daily to remind the grandmother to takes her meds etc and to check on daily events. With no luck of them answering that call, Holli's mom decided to call the Sheriff. The Sheriff's department found them both on the floor of their extremely hot home. Unable to bring the grandfather back, the EMT's managed to keep the grandmother alive and on to the hospital. She is in stable condition but has no idea of who anyone is or what has happened.
Why I am sharing this? One for the wonderful prayer support our ABF can provide for my sister-in-law and secondly to remind those with grandparents or older love ones, that you need to keep an eye out on them especially with this summer heat we have all come to love!
John Elliott
Praises & Prayers 6/27/09 Followup
Young ABF
Good news for the men that plan on going to the Chastains to mow, our neighbor mowed our yard today. Bad news is that you may not get this email.So I may see y'all in the morning. I'll find something for for y'all to do! ie garage organization, ha-ha!
Thank you all for your prayers and support during this time!
Chris Chastain
Praises & Prayers 6/27/09
ABF- For all the Families that are traveling this week
Morris- complications with pregnancy
Elliott- Jerusha's uncle (Steve Hayden) fell from roof and has suffered several injuries, including head trauma, he is awake, but does not know anyone, or what happened to him. Please continue to pray for healing.
Prda- The Prda family is in Mexico on a Mission Trip, pray for them this week as their roles in the trip have changed and they are now leading it.
Day camp was a success, thank you to all who gave there time for our kids.
Men's- Mowing for the Chastains tomorrow morning @ 8a..m.
They live at 7114 Holden Drive Rockwall TX 75087
Tolbert- Devotional @ 5:30 tomorrow. The Tolbert home.
Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Urgent Prayer Request for Jerusha's Uncle
ABF Family, Please be in prayer for Jerusha's Uncle. He fell from a roof today and has multiple injuries including injury to his head. The next 24hrs are very critical since his brain will have swelling do to his injuries. Please pray specifically for a quick recovery with no lasting effects and strength for her family as they wait for healing. IN HIS NAME, Brian |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hello ABF Family,
As you know the whole Prda family(first for Nicholas and Grace) will leave this Saturday for missions to Piedras Negras, Mexico. We will be helping teach another Marriage Conference as well as going to orphanages and doing some construction (and sharing "HOPE"!!!). We ask for your prayers for our family as well as the other families on our team. Please pray for safety, health and clear communication through translators.
We did have a small surprise at our last meeting. We found out we are short $600. A slight miscommunication that an "additional $150" was per person. If God leads you to give toward this mission trip, it is as easy as going to the following LP church website........ https://rockwall.lakepointe.org/Giving/Giving/online_giving.aspx
Just enter Prda Family and Piedras Negras, Mexico in the appropriate places, along with your information.
We appreciate all your prayers and support for us. We love you all and look forward to sharing amazing God stories
when we return!
David, Melanie, Nicholas and Grace Prda
Monday, June 22, 2009
ABF Family,
I hope all the Dad's and their families had a wonderful day yesterday. What a blessing to be a Dad. No doubt one of the most important jobs you will every have. Take it day by day with God's help. If you have not figured out all ready, their is not a owners manual. We only have God's Word on how to be a Christian Man/Father. You will not be perfect; however, you will have success if you let God be the focus!!
Now on to this week. HOPE!! It is one thing that non Christians dont have. We have HOPE in Jesus Christ. Lets spend the week exploring that HOPE!
Have a week filled with HOPE!
I hope all the Dad's and their families had a wonderful day yesterday. What a blessing to be a Dad. No doubt one of the most important jobs you will every have. Take it day by day with God's help. If you have not figured out all ready, their is not a owners manual. We only have God's Word on how to be a Christian Man/Father. You will not be perfect; however, you will have success if you let God be the focus!!
Now on to this week. HOPE!! It is one thing that non Christians dont have. We have HOPE in Jesus Christ. Lets spend the week exploring that HOPE!
Have a week filled with HOPE!
Praises & Prayers 6/20/09
I hope all the Dad's had a great dad. Prayers/Praises Pray for those serving at the mini camps and day camps and for all the kids that will attend. Safe travel for all of those traveling now and over the next few weeks.. There are several members of the class that are searching for jobs. Cruz- Theresa has been very sick Hale - continued pray for Melissa's aunt Langston's - Elaina is close to her delivery date (July 7). Pray for peace and a healthy baby. Also Elaina's brother made it home safely from Iraq. Shaw - Melissa's grandmother has suffered a stroke. Pray for her grandmother as well as the rest of her family. |
Barry Brooks Iron Man Couer D Alene
As some of ya'll know Barry Brooks is competeing in the Couer D Alene IronMan today! Please pray for him! He has trained very hard for a year and is trying to win a spot in the IronMan Hawaii World Championship!
This is accomplished by only 2000 people in the world per year.
This is accomplished by only 2000 people in the world per year.
He will push his body further than ever before! Pray that God gives him strength all day! You can track him Ironmanlive.com. Enter bib 648 on athlete tracker. They just started 9am our time!
Brian Young
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ABF Family,
I can not convey in words how much joy filled my heart to see our class serving on Saturday. So many families and sooo.. many kiddos filled the streets to pick up trash! Such a simple task but so impactful for the Kingdom. We gave a shining example of Christ to families that might not have seen him in acti0n before. Thank you for serving Him.
Well I finally made it to class on Saturday. John thanks for stepping up to get us going. What a topic, forgiveness. Sound so easy but not always so. Joseph was able to forgive because of his extreme faith in God's plan. Do you have that type of faith to forgive? Take a look at the attached exercise that we looked at in class. Begin to ask God to change your heart towards forgiving and to lead you to that person you need to forgive.
Have an awesome week. In His Name!
I can not convey in words how much joy filled my heart to see our class serving on Saturday. So many families and sooo.. many kiddos filled the streets to pick up trash! Such a simple task but so impactful for the Kingdom. We gave a shining example of Christ to families that might not have seen him in acti0n before. Thank you for serving Him.
Well I finally made it to class on Saturday. John thanks for stepping up to get us going. What a topic, forgiveness. Sound so easy but not always so. Joseph was able to forgive because of his extreme faith in God's plan. Do you have that type of faith to forgive? Take a look at the attached exercise that we looked at in class. Begin to ask God to change your heart towards forgiving and to lead you to that person you need to forgive.
Have an awesome week. In His Name!
Praises & Prayers 6/13/09

Look at that awesome group!
30th Anniversary of Lake Pointe Church
VBS- pray for all the workers, volunteers, and kids that their lives will be blessed.
PRDA- Mission trip to Mexico
JONES- Chad's job search
BROOKS- Prayer for traveling this week
JENNINGS- Prayer for traveling this week
CHASTAIN- Chris and his continued healing
ABF- For having servant hearts and meeting this a.m. to clean up a commuity, serving during church/ABF hours, as well as serving in VBS next week.
ABF- 30 years of service was a huge success
MEN'S- mowing for the Chastains, more info to follow soon
MISSION'S-Prda's trip to Mexico this summer
PRE SCHOOL PARTNERS- Thank you to Raymond Jennings for serving tonight
BROOKS- Sat. June 27th- Dinner after ABF
COX- June 19th, 6p.m. Cookout/Games; GNO- June 25th
CRUZ- Friday June 19th 7p.m. @ Cruz's
Eric and Tabatha Jones
Monday, June 8, 2009
Praises & Prayers 6/6/09
YOUNG ABF ANNOUNCEMENTS 06-06-09 PRAYER'S: Hale- Melissa's aunt, Sherry Saddler has begun deteriorating rapidly from brain cancer, hospice will be discussed on Wednesday. Please pray for strength for Melissa during this time. Tolbert- Praying for God's provision in John's job search Tate- Pray for success for test on Monday Chastain- Pray for Chris as he continues to recover from back surgery Sanders- Jim and Ashley (Praise) they got their first foster care placement a 2 1/2 year old boy and a 18 mo old girl. (Prayer) for patience and that they can glorify God in this. PRAISE'S: Cruz- Owen's eye surgery went very well and he is feeling great. Thank you for your prayers. Chastain- Chris is home from hospital from having back surgery earlier this week. ANNOUNCEMENT'S: ABF- MEN'S- Mowing for the Chastain's during Chris's recovery. More detail will follow soon. MISSION'S- ABF Serving for the 30th anniversary of Lake Pointe; June 13th 8-12a.m. picking up trash from around the community, more details to follow soon. PRE SCHOOL PARTNER'S: Serving next week is Raymond Jennings WOMEN'S- WOW is tomorrow at the Lazaro's house, 11a.m. bring a dessert for our dessert challenge. GROWTH GROUPS: Brooks- Sat. June 27th, dinner after ABF Cox- June 14th 6p.m. cookout and games Cruz- Friday June 19th, 7p.m.\devotional Middleton- Tolbert- NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED: Jim and Ashely Sanders |
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