Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Caring Concern

ABF Family,

What a great time we had Sunday at the park. Thank you to all that came and added too such a beautiful day. What an incredible picture of Christian famlies in fellowship. A little kick ball, kids in the creek (oh that was mine), good food, Easter egg hunt and families getting to know each other. God has surely put together a group of wonderful folks. Thank you to all that made this happen.

Our conversation in class was great as well. True disciplship was the topic. We are called to be Jesus's disciples but it will include some suffering. Suffering here is temporary and the Glory lasts forever in eterntiy. What incredible news.

Lets get together this Saturday and visit God's Word again. I am anxious to hear what God says to you as you study this week.

Have a truly blessed week,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Re: ABF Announcements 03-21-99

I wanted you to know that Mike & the kiddos wont be able to make it tomorrow. He is not feeling good & that's my day to work up at the church. Mike said he'd bring a tent & I can take that with me to church and someone coming from that side of town can pick it up. I also have the pasta salad that I made that can be picked up too. If anyone does want to pick up the tent and/or pasta salad give me a call on my cell so I know to bring them up there with me in the morning. Sorry to miss all the fun tomorrow!!!

Have a blessed day!Shana Murphy

Praises & Prayers 3/28/09


Furguson- Angela is not feeling well
Hale- Melissa's aunt is having brain and body scan to detect size and location of tumors-tests and results are Mon.- Thur.
Tolbert- Continued prayer for John during his job search
Stolman- Lily is sick

Chastain- Reagan was excepted to nursing school
Tate- Stephanie passed her test, Collyn is going through New Christian Class
Morris- Nikki was back in class, had sonogram last week and baby is doing well and by the way it is a ...BOY!! Congratulations Thomas, Nikki and Hudson

ABF- Kickety Kick Ball and Easter Egg Hunt @ Shores Park tomorrow 3/29 10a.m. - 1p.m. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, 12 filled eggs per child and lots of energy. :>)
ABF Huddle April 29th, sign up in class
Men's- Man Church 4/8 6-8
Women's- TBA for April
Pre School Partners- Thank you to Randy Furguson for serving tonight, serving next week is... Still Open, any one interested in helping out? Let us know.

Brooks- Fri. April 10th @ Brooks House 7p.m.
Cox- Thurs. April 2nd @ 6:30
Cruz- Friday April 10th @ 7p.m.
Tolbert- Sunday March 29th Devotional Meeting 5:30 in ABF room.

John and Tanya Wilhelms
Russel and Maria Coy
Lisa and Kevin Helms

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crushing Sacrifice

ABF Family,

We are back! The Young family had an awesome time on Spring Break but sure missed everyone. I hope each of you had a great week as well. Thank you to both John and Brian for teaching while I was out. I am sure it was a blessing for both of them and for those that got to hear the lesson.

I look forward to discussing this weeks topic, "Crushing Sacrifice." Sounds exciting hugh? I am sure it will be. Please spend time looking through the verses as you go through the week.

Be Blessed,


Monday, March 16, 2009

Spiritual Insight

With Spring Break beginning, I wasn't sure what attendance to expect in class Saturday night. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people who were present, especially the 6 visiting couples. I want to thank our class members who made the effort to welcome the visitors. Shaking a hand and saying hello or welcome is the kindling that helps fuel the fire of our fellowship together. Our visitors are attracted to the warmth of our fellowship. Fan the flames and continue the good work.

Brian Tate has graciously agreed to lead the discussion and teach this Saturday night. Please be in prayer for Brian as he prepares the lesson. Come to class with a prepared heart and open ears for what God will share through him.

Have a great week.

Re: Young ABF Announcements for 03/14/09

Young ABF,

Nikki and I want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for all your prayers and thoughts. She is 17 weeks pregnant today (Sunday) and while not feeling perfect she is improved to the point of returning to ABF. We appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to seeing you next Saturday night, barring someone getting sick.

Thomas & Nikki Morris

Praises & Prayers 3/14/09


Everyone who is traveling this week.
Tolbert's - John's new job search.
Langston's- Elania's brother, David, left for Iraq.
Hale's- Melissa's will be chaperoning for 5th grade camp Mon - Wed. Pray for safe travel and fun for all the kids.
Furguson's- Angela's mom, Deborah Hale (Grammy) is sick with a virus.
Morris- Hudson has double ear infection and Thomas has sinus infection.
Jone's- Chad's police officer job.
Brandi - Husband, Troy, in Iraq a

Hale's - Nephew Brody doing much better and Melissa's brother's family is getting to move a little closer (to Savannah, GA).
Stoleman's - spiritually encouraging weekend with Leah's dad last weekend
Morris' - Nikki is much better. The plan to return to class nect weekend.

ABF- March 29th is our Kickety-Kick Ball and Easter Egg Hunt. Sign up sheet will be circulating around class in the next few weeks. Please sign up to come...a lot of fun is in store for the young and old.

GROWTH GROUP'S: - leadership meeting on 04/05/09

Paul and Kim Tucker
Lisa and Ken Hjelm
Matt and Jennifer Morrill

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spiritual Dullness

If ever there was a lesson I needed to hear, it was Saturday night's lesson on Humble Persistence. Brian led a great discussion filled with awesome input from many of our fellow class members.

This week, we are going to look at spiritual dullness. We all hit those patches of our walk from time to time so we should all have great wisdom to share with one another. I'm looking forward to everyone's insight on the topic.

See you Saturday.


Spiritual Dullness

ABF Family,

Here we go again. It is Monday. Wow how the weekend flies by, but isn't it awesome that we get those two days! I hope it was wonderful. Thanks to everyone that could make it on Saturday and if you could not you were missed. Humble perseverance. That was the topic of discussion. We all should strive for constant spiritual growth in "good" and "bad" times. The reality is it is all GOOD, God is in control of it all. We can get that growth by prayer, Bible, serving, sharing Christ's love, Christian community.... ***Note from Editor, "Please refer to Brian's email for the included exercise as it isn't attached in this blog."*** I have included a great exercise that will help us all with Humble Perseverance. Please take the time to go through it.

I will be out the next few Saturdays but please continue your preparation and great discussion in class. John will be preparing the lesson this week, so pray for him as God puts the words on his heart.

Persevere this week and be blessed,


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Praises & Prayer 3/7/09


Time changed last night. I hope all of you remembered to move your clocks UP 1 hour.

Thank you to the Tolbert growth group for providing the class with drinks and snacks last night.

Thank you to the Hale's for serving in Preschool Partners.

Tolbert's - John's was laid off last week. Pray for guidance and success for his new job search.
Elliott's - house went up for sale last week and Jerusha is looking for a new job. Pray for guidance and success in both areas.
Hale's- Melissa's will be chaperoning for 5th grade camp Mon - Wed. Pray for safe travel and fun for all the kids.
Furguson's- Angela's mom, Deborah Hale (Grammy) is sick with a virus.
Jennings'- Pray for safety and that mission opportunities arise while on vacation.
Jone's- Pray for Chad's police officer testing and job.
Tate's - Sydney is sick with virus.

Young ABF - Huddle was very productive on Friday night.

ABF- March 29th is our Kickety-Kick Ball and Easter Egg Hunt. Sign up sheet will be circulating around class in the next few weeks. Please sign up to come...a lot of fun is in store for the young and old.

GROWTH GROUP'S: - leadership meeting on 04/05/09


Monday, March 2, 2009

Humble Persitence


Thank you so much for your comments and participation this weekend. I enjoy teaching but I enjoy when everyone gets involved even more. I want us to share and be open about the lesson we are discussing. I truly believe that we get more out of a lesson if we participate in the learning.

We are what we think, our actions etc. Not what we put inside. We can put great things in such as God's word, but the evidence of our heart condition is seen in our actions. Expose yourself to things of God not this world, but dont hold those things in. Allow the Holy Spirit to poor out of you through your deeds. We are not bound by the law any more, Christ took care of that on the Cross. Now we have the Holy spirit inside of us that compels us to GLORIFY GOD, because what He has done for us.

Have a blessed week. Make a point to spend time meditating and listening to God about the scripture this week.


Praises & Prayers 2/28/09


Murphy- prayer for vehicle situation from accident to be resolved soon
Gatton- Pam is sick with sever sore throat and body aches
Lazaro- Camryn has a repeat swallow study in two weeks, pray she is no longer aspirating

Furguson/Hale- Brody (17 months) is doing better and will be fine. It was very touch and go for a while but doctor says he will be o.k. This next week will be difficult for him as he is alert and still not completely off of the respirator. Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.

ABF- ABF Huddle Friday March 6th, 6:30p.m. @ the Tolbert home. Kickty Kick ball and Easter Egg hunt for ABF Social on Sunday March 29th. More details to follow.
Pre School Partners- Serving next week March 7th, are the Hale's, thank you.

Cox- Thursday March 5th, 6:30 p.m.
Cruz- Friday March 13th, 7:00p.m.

Pam Gattons Mother (Elsie)
Wesley and Dawn Sanders
Paul and Kim Tucker

Urgent Prayer Request - James

Update:  James is in ICU and for several hours was unresponsive.  He now is semi-alert and at least responding to those around him.  They are running a series of tests.  They have to completely take him off of morphine (the pain killer he has been on for years) so please pray for him as he goes through withdrawls the next several days.  Also, please pray for his wife Pam.  Thank you for praying!

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for my Uncle James.  He was rushed to the hospital this afternoon.  He has numerous medical problems and is on massive amounts of pain medication.  He is now in ICU and the doctors are trying to stabilize him.
Thank you for your prayers,
Stephanie Tate