Sunday, April 19, 2009

Praises & Prayers 4/18/09

Sanders- Dawn and Wes are asking for prayers that the sale of their home in Murphy will go through with no problems, also Dawn's mother is having knee replacement surgery
Lazaro- Blake was diagnosed with ADHD, please pray for wisdom as they make a decision about how to treat him
Sanders- Jim's brother Glenn was baptized tonight
Sanders- Dawn and Wes Murphy home was only on market for three weeks when a contract was received and accepted
ABF- ABF Social Friday May 15th, 6-9:30 in kids town C100- Adults only for Dinner, Movie and keepsake photo.  Price will be $24 a couple and dinner will be catered by Luigi's.
Men's- Outing to the Frisco Rough Riders game on Sunday May 24th, please sign up by May 2nd, so tickets can be purchased.
Mission's- Please be in prayer over how we as a class can be in service through Missions.  Please contact David Prda if you have any suggestions or ideas.
Pre School Partner's- Thank you to the Middleton's who served tonight, serving next week are the Jennings.
Women's- Next meeting in June, stayed tuned for details.
Brooks- Dinner after ABF April 25th
Cruz- Friday April 24th, 7p.m.
Tolbert- Sunday, April 25th, 5p.m. in ABF room
Visitors Welcomed:
Paul and Kim Tucker
Jim and Ashley Sanders
Barry's Mother

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