Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praises & Prayers 7/11/09

Young ABF Announcements - 07/11/2009
Elliott - Jerusha's uncle had an accident and fell off the roof. He has a great deal of recovery ahead and a huge financial hurdle (no insurance).
Sanders - Wes, Dawn and family are traveling on vacation this next week. Dawn's mother will be staying with and keeping their 2-year old son.
Brooks - Barry is changing to a new law firm. His job starts this week.
Murphy - Mike's health and wisdom for his doctors. Shana is searching for a job in her field. Schooling for the next year for Jessie and Leanne.
Chastain - Reagan starts nursing school next week. Reagan's parents are having marital problems.
Tolbert - John's sister had an MRI performed Friday to determine the cause of her severe headaches. Results are expected in 3-5 days.
Pre-Teen Camp - Pray for all of the campers and volunteers attending and serving during the camp.
Tolbert - John had a job interview last week that went well. Should know something during this next week.
Cruz - Celebrating 20 years of marriage this weekend!
Men - Mowing at Chastain's at 8AM Sunday morning (7114 Holden, Rockwall). Fishing trip planning underway. More details to come.
Growth Groups:
Brooks - Dinner after ABF on July 18th.
Cruz - Friday, July 17th - details to come.
Middleton - July 25th - dinner after ABF
Tolbert - July 26th - Bible study (last session of Fireproof study)

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