Monday, December 7, 2009

Praises & Prayers 12/5/09 Update

Thank you to who ever posted the announcements in my absence, I'm not feeling well. I do however have a prayer request... Several weeks back I asked prayers for Lindsey Fowler, the pregnant 19 year old that my teaching partner took in. Well, my prayer request is now that you pray for her and her unborn daughter as Lindsey has now left Joella's house and gone back to Huntsville, we think. We aren't sure really where she is. She is not returning Joella's calls or text's. She is due the first of Feb. One of the last things she told Joella was "that starting over was to hard, being trashy was easier." My heart just breaks for her baby.
Thanks so much for all of you who offered her help while she was here. It means more to me than you will ever know.
Blessings to you all this week.
Theresa Cruz

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