Monday, January 5, 2009

Evil Opposition and Athentic Discipleship

ABF Family,
It was great to see everyone that could attend last Saturday and look forward seeing everyone else real soon.  I hope that everyone had a restful and very blessed Christmas and New Year celebration. 
We have begun to study The Book of Mark.  We will dive deep into this book up until summer.  Authentic Descipleship is our theme.  What a great way to start a new year.  Lets all ask the quesiton, are we authentic (act just like our Savior) and are we desciples (following His teachings)?  At some level I hope that we can all answer YES; however, growth is a part of the life journey.  So lets, dig into the word every day and grow in our Authentic Descipleship. 
We were designed to Thrive!!  He came to give life, life more abundant.  Lets live that way begining now.  Be blessed and may you grow in God's love.

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