Monday, January 26, 2009

Sign Up Sheet for the Lazaro's

Hello Friends,
I just wanted to let you all know that I have created a sign up page like the one we used for the Giles Family.
I was asked to do this from several of you who really liked using it to know what meals were being brought.
If you signed up to take Angela and Tony a meal please ***Note from Editor, Please contact Theresa Cruz for the url.***
to find your day and go into the undo and change your meal type. The undo code is meals. There is also directions to their home there as well. We have just two days left to fill, this Wednesday and next. If you can not take a meal on the day you have signed up for will you please trade days with someone or let me know as soon as possible so that we can get the day filled in. I spoke to Angela today and life is back to her normal. She was rushing out the door to drop Chase off at a friends, and then take Cami to the doctor to have her weight checked. Tony has had to go back to work and she is doing the normal mommy duties already. What a go getter. Keep her in your prayers and thanks again for all your help.

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