Sunday, February 8, 2009

Re: ABF Announcements 01-31-09

ABF Family - Please pray for Mike Murphy.  He was in a 3-vehicle accident on the way home from Wichita Falls.  The two other vehicles each had 3 teenagers.  Four of the kids were hospitalized in total with two needing to be medi-flighted out from the accident scene.  One of the teenage drivers was cited at the scene for failure to yield to Mike's truck.  Mike is in pain in several areas of his body as well.  Shana picked him up from the accident scene because his truck is not drivable after the accident.  They are almost home to Rockwall.  He is going to go to the hospital tonight after they get home to get checked out for any injuries. Please pray for healing for all involved and injured.  Mike is really concerned for the kids that were injured.  Pray for comfort, wisdom, guidance, and patience as everyone begins down a path to healing and restoration.

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