Thursday, August 28, 2008

Praises & Prayers Followup

Dear ABF Friends,
I want to first thank you for your prayers. I requested prayers on Sat. night for my friend Kele Giles whose six month old daughter was having open heart surgery today. Well once again God listen and answered in a major way. I got to spend the day at the hospital with them, and let me tell you God was everywhere. I could feel him, and I know they could as well. Presley started her day off with a temp. of 100, and in the attempts to bring it down it dropped to 94, which also effected her blood pressure and other things. Her surgery was nearly canceled, but they were able to get her stable and at 8:15 this a.m. she was wheeled away from Kele and Mike. It took some time to get her all hooked up to everything she would need to be on for surgery and at 10a.m. her surgery began.
Mikes eyes looked as if he had been crying for days, and Kele seemed so tired and weak. My heart just broke for them, and I must say I felt sort of guilty (but very thankful) that I have healthy kids. The surgery took a little over four hours, but all went well. The surgeon came out and told them that everything went well. They will still take one day at a time for now, but hopes are that within the next two to three weeks they will finally be able to bring there sweet baby home for the first time. Please continue to pray for this sweet family, and thanks again.
Theresa Cruz

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