Monday, August 11, 2008

Re: Bridegroom

Good News and Encouragement

I guess that is how to describe our latest trip to Russia. Remember Natasha from the first year of the conference? Her and her husband are doing much better and even looked happy this year. Remember Julia, Melanie’s translator with marriage problems? She has made a firm decision to stay and work things out with her husband. Remember our goal for last year? We needed to find a couple to continue to shepherd the group beyond the conference….done! We now have Dimitri and Dianna, a strong young couple that have weathered many storms already. David met them 5 years ago in another city and just this year they began attending the church in Chelny. They are very excited to continue leading the group fellowship.

I do however have some sad news. Genya, a 25year old mother of 3 came to the conference alone. Her husband is in a band and he was on tour. Upon his return(2 days after the conference) they would be discussing divorce. Genya said she came to the conference depressed, desperate and without hope. We were able to talk and pray with her and at the conclusion of the conference, she shared that she had renewed hope and had been very encouraged from the conference.

I know it might be strange to pray for, or have real compassion for someone you have never met. But I am sure each of us knows someone going through a similar situation. As we remember them in our prayers, please remember Genya also.

I Peter 5:8-9 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

Thank you for your part on sending us to Russia, again. Your money and prayers are never in vain! May God’s blessings overflow in your life this year. * David and Melanie Prda*



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