Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Man Church update

I have discussed May's Man Church with Greg and our class will not need to do the set-up this month. In lieu of helping with set-up, Greg would like our help in the following areas:

1. Tear down of scaffolding and TVs that will be set-up across from the hospitality center to promo Man Church before this weekend's services. We can tear down anytime between Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night (after Man Church). It just has to be down before Thursday. I suggest either Tuesday night or Wednesday after Man Church, but am open to another time. If we have 6-10 guys, we can knock this out quickly.

2. Greg has also requested help on Saturday night passing out promo cards to the ABFs. All that is required is placing a stack of cards on the teacher's table/lectern in each class. No public speaking required. Greg probably needs a handful of guys to help distribute the cards.

If you can help with either of these requests, please email or call me. Thanks.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Upcoming Russia Mission trip

Dear ABF family,

We are excited to say that God is giving us another opportunity to return to Russia. The Marriage Conference is proving to be one of the most requested by the Russian people of Chelny. For the last 2 years we have been able to keep in touch with several Russian couples through e-mail. Their marriages are finally showing signs of some real stability and growth. We realize most of you might not get the opportunity to go on a mission trip in the near future, so thank you for the chance to represent YOU as brothers and sisters in Christ at this time.

The cost this year is $ 6,600. Due to new changes in church policy, we in great need to raise 75% of this by May 5th. This is one of the reasons you are receiving this letter via e-mail. The church has made it very easy to give online this year.

You may go to : lakepointe.org click ONLINE GIVING on your left, then under that, click MISSIONS GIVING. Under "Missions Offering", enter the amount you would like to give and under that type "Russia -David and Melanie PRDA". I don't think you have to enter anything beyond zip, but then you will continue on to debit/credit card info. If you need to send a check instead, you can drop it is the offering plate with "Russia-PRDA" on the envelope.By the way, we never know the amount anyone gives. The church only gives us a list of names so we can send a proper "Thank You". From $5 - ??, it is ALL a blessing to us. We do want you to know your support is never wasted and is deeply appreciated more than you know.

Most important, PLEASE keep us in your prayers July 10-18th. Also for the health, safety and protection of Nicholas and Grace while we are gone.

As always, God's richest blessings for all your support and prayers.

David and Melanie Prda

ABF Team Huddle

Wednesday April 30, 6pm. This huddle is for team planning/goal setting. There will be box dinners and tea/water to pick up in C Bldg hall and our designated room is W214 to eat and talk. Childcare is provided for infant thru 5th grade.

Prison Minister Comments about Growth in Muslims

This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry.
Allah or The Lord Jesus Christ? ... By Rick Mathes

This is very interesting and more than a bit scary.. but is it scary enough to generate something besides talk? I'm afraid far too many Catholics, Protestants, and Jews will wait until it hits them upside the head on a
very personal level before they will do something besides talk about it. But by then it will be too late.
The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races!!!
Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs.
I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.
When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked:
'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'
There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!'
I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'
The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of 'a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.'
He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'
I then stated, 'Well sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Charles Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'
The Imam was speechless!
I continued, 'I also have problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'
You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.
Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with Rick's way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.
In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President! I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with our liberal justice system, liberal media and the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized. The most puzzling thing to me is... once Islam takes over; there will no longer be a liberal media or an ACLU, or a liberal justice system. So in effect, they are slitting their own throats by not publicizing this.
Be blessed this week in the Name of Jesus!

Michael Wayne Greer
District Manager
Eastern USA/Canada
The Whitmore Group
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-796-6120 Cellular

Glorifying God!
Trusting in Jesus!
Lead by The Spritit!

Praises & Prayers 4/27/08

Young ABF Announcements 04/27/08

Prayer requests
Misty Bounds - (in King ABF) Father in chemo with complications - unsure if he's a believer
Tate - Stephanie is starting a program to become a certified teacher. Please pray for a
teaching job in the fall
Tolbert - pray for healing for a friend of Joey and Jenn's mother

Young - Dee's father Danny - successful surgery
Greer - Mike's boss is showing reception to God. Pray that God will keep drawing him

Leadership Meeting - Team Huddle - Wed April 30
Women's Ministry - WOW Wed May 7 at 7pm - Mita's house "JOY"
Men's Ministry - Wed April 30 8:30pm

Growth Groups
Cox - Thurs May 1 6:30pm Cox's
Brooks - Sat after ABF April 26
Greer - Sat May 3 - dinner after ABF at Luigi's

Friday, April 25, 2008

I Met A Oprah Faith Follower this Week from Mike Greer

Hello class!
I met this lady on the plane this week on way back from Vicksburg, MS. She is a follower of the Oprah movement.
What do you think about her statement of “The Christ Within”?

Hi Mike,
It was a pleasure meeting you too. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. You have quite an inspirational story and it gives me hope with my daughter.
I have struggled with John 14:6. I believe it means that by honoring the Christ within (love, truth and light) you will find peace and joy, which is the path to God.
What does it mean to you?
Have a joy-filled week,

Cindy Kubica

Energize your mind, body and skills!

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Today’s WOW (words of wisdom)
Sunshine on your shoulders makes you happy—really!
Sunlight activates serotonin—one of nature's Prozacs.


From: Mike Greer [mailto:Mike_Greer@whitmores.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:33 AMTo: cindy@cindykubica.comCc: Mike GreerSubject: Mike Greer-Met on AirplaneImportance: High

Hello Cindy!
I enjoined our talk on the plane last evening.
I will look for “The New Earth” book and read it.
How do you feel or interpret John 14:6?
Jesus says “No one comes to The Father (God) except through me (Jesus).”
Have a great week and be blessed,

Michael Wayne Greer
District Manager
Eastern USA/Canada
The Whitmore Group
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-796-6120 Cellular


Good Morning,

Don't forget that the food of the month is peanut butter and jelly. Also, please see below for missions highlights from the church. We are scheduled to watch the Missions Moment next week in class.

Please pray for the following teams that will be going on mission between May 1 and June 8

Mexico - Team Leader Ken Curtis.
Mexico - Team Leader Paul Davis.
China - Team Leader Rob Peabody.
China - Team Leader Eddie Walker.
Russia - Team Leader David Wilding.
England - Team Leader Sandra Ruiz.
Senegal - Hayden Hallmark.
Spain - Ryan Rice.
Middle East - Bettye Elledge.

Mission Moment is a celebration of recent mission trips. It is located on the teacher resource DVD available in your class room. On the DVD main menu, select Mission Moment.Celebrations on this month's DVD:

Mission Arlington.
Lake Rockwall Estates Concert.


Missions Committee

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dee's Dad FollowUp


Well it is 10pm and Dee's dad just got his pacemaker put it. It took all day to fit him in but the surgeon did an excellent job. Thank you for the notes, calls and most importantly prayer. He gets to come home tomorrow night.

Praise to the Lord for His healing hand!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Praises & Prayers 04/19/08 Followup

Prayer request: Dee's dad, Danny is in the hospital at Presby Dallas, he was sent on Tuesday afternoon because he was having potentially "fatal arrhythmia's". He has been monitored and having surgery today at 3 pm to have a 3 lead ventricular device place( pace maker and defibrillator). Please pray for his safety in surgery, surgeons hands, Barbara(Dee's mom) and me(Dee). Mom and I have already lost one daddy to heart issues, loss of Brian's dad this past fall and now Danny. He has been healthy all his life, never been in the hospital! They are telling us we are very blessed, he could have easily died of sudden death if it had not been caught last week.
Love to all of you!

ABF Announcements Followup

Prayer request

Kristi Paramore's father is going through a difficult time. Please keep him in your prayers.


House for Rent

To All,

I have been blessed with a couple rent properties and am always looking for someone that could really use a home to live in. I recently notified that a renter is moving out and now have one available for rent. If anyone knows of some one that could use a place to live, please let me know. Here are the details:

Downtown Rockwall just off of the square
2 bedrooms
Living, kitchen, bath and utility

In Him,


Note from Brian

To All,

Wow, what a topic to discuss on Saturday. Tongues and prophecy! Quite the topic to discuss; however, it was a great thing to tackle as a class. I really appreciated the questions and discussion. The bottom line is this: do not hold any gift in a higher regard than another and always use your gift/gifts to bring Glory to God. If you follow this simple rule, you are on the right track.

It is another week and I am sure challenges lie ahead. Instead of attacking the day on your own, bring God into the mix. Pray and get into the Word. He will give the answers and strength to make it through. Not on your ability, but HIS. Read the scripture attached and let's have a wonderful time next week. And Oh, by the way. Have you read in Proverbs as Pastor Steve has challenged? Come on you know you want to. Let's learn together.

Be Blessed,


*Note from Blog Editor*
Attached scripture can be from in hyperlink "Thee Word of the Week" link to the right of this blog in the "Our Favorite Websites" Section.

Missions-Park Manor Housing

If you have a heart to serve, especially the elderly, here is a LakePointe ministry to do so.
Park Manor is located near MLK Blvd and I-45 South.
If you are interested, please call Sherri Warren; 972-635-3971 or me; 214-796-6120.
It's time again for lunch at Park Manor, next Saturday, April 26.
Be there at 10:30, or please let me know if you'd like to meet and carpool.
Tim and Janet are cooking something wonderful!
Please bring Strawberry Shortcake, and a heart to serve.
Thank you.
Sheri Warren


Michael Wayne Greer
District Manager
Eastern USA/Canada
The Whitmore Group
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-796-6120 Cellular

Upcoming Russia Mission trip fundraising opportunity

Here is an easy and fun way that we can support our class members (and others) that are going on the upcoming Russian mission trip. They are selling tickets for $5 each for an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast at Applebee's in Rockwall on Saturday, May 3! Come on, you have to eat breakfast anyway, right?!

Please see either David and Melanie Prda or Brent and Sonja Cox for information if you are interested.


Praises & Prayers 4/19/08

Prayer requests/Praises:

Murphy's- Pray for Mike to be able to work close to home with current job or with a new company, also health for the family
Wickham- Prayer for guidance in making the best decision for school options for 12 year old daughter, Alyssa
Paramore- Kristi is having several migraines a week, doctor has put her on medication-pray that it will work
Middleton- Joey will be traveling a lot the next two weeks. Prayer over Stacie and the girls.
Jones- Prayer for continued health for Levi, seeing a immunologist this week
Prda- David has a back brace on and has for two weeks now, pray for therapy option to work on his bulging disk and that the pain can be managed. Prayers for raising all the money needed by deadline of May 1st.
Tolbert/Middleton- Jennifer and Joey's mother's friend, John went in for simple surgery and is now suffering from heart complications.

Jones: Huge praise that CF test on Levi came back negative and also for Chad's new job.
Young- Bryan to start new job, he will share more details with the class at a later date

ABF Social:
Leadership Meeting: Team Huddle on April 30th 6p.m. dinner and childcare is provided, we will be discussing ways to improve our ABF; also Growth Group Leaders meeting next weekend during the ABF hour for new GG Leaders.
Women's Ministry: Wed. May 6th, 7-9, more info to come later; weekly bible study Monday night from 7:30-8:30p.m. contact Jill for more info.
Men's Ministry: Bible study Wed. 8:30p.m. W100
Food of the Month- Peanut Butter and Jelly
Mission's: Meeting to be scheduled soon for those interesting in serving on the committee
Service: Preschool Partners, thanks to Vicki Jennings for serving tonight, next week 4/26 is the Young's.

Growth Groups:
Brooks: April 26th, Dinner after ABF
Cox: May 1st, 6:30 @ the Cox's
Cruz: Monday April 28th, 6:30 p.m. @ Johnny Carino's, kids welcomed

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Food of the Month

Good Evening,

Please remember the food of the month is peanut butter and jelly. You can bring your items to class or drop them off at one of the following locations:

Kitchen next to A139 Volunteer Center
A122 Hospitality Room
Building “W” 2nd Floor Workroom
Building “A” 2nd Floor Workroom

Please let me know if you are interested in being on the missions committee. We will be having a meeting the first part of May. I will email out the date when it is decided.

Pam Gatton

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prayer request from Danny & Suzanne Davis


Please read the email below for details, as Vicki stated we have noticed something really awesome about this year American Idol with the present of Jesus in many of the songs and every show having some reference to God and Jesus and last week they opening song was “Praise to the Lord”, WOW! I could go on and on and this is the first year that I have even watch the darn thing. Well David Cook’s brother needs our prayers and for David and his family for understanding and healing and most of all to come to know Christ as their Savior!

Pease and Blessing to you all

Raymond, Vicki, Brooke and Katelyn

From: Vicki Jennings [mailto:vickij@lakepointe.org] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:41 PMTo: raymondjennings@charter.netSubject: FW: Prayer request from Danny & Suzanne Davis

You won't believe this!!! Read on! Love ya! We knew there was something very special about this year's Idol show!
______________________________________________ From: Jane Peabody Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:37 PM To: RWstaff; TEstaff; SSstaff; FWstaff Subject: Prayer request from Danny & Suzanne Davis
As you may know, Danny & Suzanne are in California this week to see Jason Castro (Lake Pointe member) perform on American Idol. They have called to request prayer from the staff and prayer warrior team. The following is their request:
David Cook (one of the contestants) is Jason’s roommate there and openly agnostic. David’s brother was diagnosed with brain cancer 10 years ago - and it was his dying wish to go to Hollywood to see his brother perform. He was able to do so this week, and Danny & Suzanne were able to meet them both.Suz woke up this morning feeling impressed that she should ask everyone to pray for healing for David's brother. She is asking for everyone to please drop what they are doing at 6 pm tonight and pray for healing for David’s brother.What an opportunity to make God famous in all the world if David Cook became a believer through the healing of his brother!

Jane Peabody Assistant to Teaching Pastor, Wes Hamilton Lake Pointe Church 701 E. Interstate 30 Rockwall, TX 75087 469-698-2225

Last Call for Camp Early Bird Rate!

The early bird rate for all Children's Camps ends this Sunday, April 20. Register your child now for one of the following camps:

Day Camp, June 27-28, Completed Kind - 1st Grade, Sabine Creek Ranch Early Bird Rate $60, Cost goes up to $75 on Monday, April 21

Mini Camp, June 27-29, Completed 2nd & 3rd Grade, Sabine Creek Ranch Early Bird Rate $120, Cost goes up to $135 on Monday, April 21

Preteen Camp, July 18-22, Completed 4th & 5th Grade, Camp Riverbend in Glenrose Early Bird Rate $255, Cost goes up to $285 on Monday, April 21

Ways to Register:


Friday, April 18 - Stop by the Children's Ministry Office, located on the 2nd floor of the Children's Building across from the elevator

Saturday & Sunday, April 19 & 20 - Stop by the Children's Ministry Summer Activities Booth, located outside the auditorium, before or after services

Monday, April 14, 2008

Preschool Partners

Dear ABF family,
Good Morning. Below is a copy of the Preschool Partners sing up. As you will see there are several dates still needing volunteers. If you can help on one of these dates please fill free to e-mail Angela Lazaro at angelalazaro@yahoo.com or you can still sign up in class on Saturday nights. Thank you to those of you who have already served or signed up to serve. You are a blessing to this ministry. Have a wonderful week, enjoy the sunshine and God Bless.
Theresa Cruz

Young ABF Prechool Partners Sign Up
Report to the Forest (blue pod) between 5:30-5:45 on your evening to serve, you will be out in time for ABF and your CD of the service will be ready at 8:15 at the children’s ministry booth across from the cafĂ©. Thank you for serving!!

19 Vicki Jennings
26 Brian and Dee Young
3 Raymond Jennings
10 Joey and Stacie Middleton


Note From Brian

ABF Family,

I hope the weekend was wonderfull. Dee, the girls and I had a nice weekend away. We are sorry that we missed everyone along with John's teaching. I am sure that it was a great class time together.

I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend as we continue our journey through
1 Corinthians. Please focus on being in the Word this week.



Sunday, April 13, 2008

ABF Announcements Followup

Pre-School Partners:
Thanks to Bob and Mita Wickam for tonight's service, next up is Vicki Jennings. A sign up will also be posted soon for those of you who would like to sign up via e-mail.

Praises & Prayers 04/12/08

Young ABF Announcements

Jones- Levi has more tests this coming week
Greer's- Pray for inmate Nelson, who will be released on 6-22-08 and for inmate Newman who will be released on 5-1-08

Jones- Chad is starting a new job and Levi's test this past week all came back good
Jennings- Ty Willingham's (son of the Jennings neighbor) surgery was a success and the growth was benign
Lazaro- Ethan is feeling better after having both strep throat and the flu this week.
Cruz- Theresa's uncle is doing better and was released on Friday to go back home.

ABF Social:
Leadership Meeting: ABF Team Huddle, Wed. 4-30 at 6p.m. sign up in class
Women's Ministry: Weekly bible study this Monday 7:30p.m. books will be for sale if you are interested, six more weeks to go. WOW is Wednesday May 7th, more details to follow.
Men's Ministry: Bible Study Wed. 4/16 8:30 p.m. W100
Service: Pre-school Partners serving the 6o'clock hour, sign up with Angela Lazaro

Growth Groups:
Cruz: Monday 14th 6:30 p.m. @ Johnny Carino's with kids (Buy a family portion for the price of a single portion) If you do not have a growth group family yet, please join us for some good food and great fellowship. We'd love to have ya.
Cox: Thursday 4-17-08 Cox's house
Greer: Sunday April 13th, 12:00p.m. Picnic @ Emerald Bay Park in Rockwall, those looking for a growth group are welcome to attend. Bring food for your family and join us.
Middleton: Friday 4-18 at the Sledge's
Tolbert: Friday 4-18 6:30p.m. @ Saltgrass

Visitors Welcomed:
John and Faith Capers 972-496-5514

Friday, April 11, 2008

Service/ministry Opportunity Followup

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to those who offered to help, but I'm assuming my friend is not moving this weekend. I'm not sure they approved her application. Apparently there was some reason she needed to move quickly, now something has changed and she may have a little more time. I don't really know. She had her kids last night and couldn't talk with little ears near by.

Thank you. If she needs help later, I'll let you know.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Service/ministry opportunity

Good morning, everyone. Cindy Martinson brought an opportunity to the class's attention last night. Here is a portion of the email:

"You might recall that I put a friend of mine on the prayer list last fall or so. It's hard to sum up the horribleness of her situation. Her husband has relapsed as an alcoholic, lost his job, had an affair, and left her. There house is being foreclosed and she needs to move out this weekend. She's managed to find a job (she was an at home mom for 10 years) and it looks like she's found a house to rent.
The issue is she needs to move and I guess she has no one to help her... Eric has drills this weekend so he can't help. I got the feeling she was very desperate so I asked if she wanted me to find some people to help. She said yes..."

I know it is late notice, but if any of you (men, women, families) can help Cindy's friend this weekend, please email me or Cindy (martinsontoo@yahoo.com) or call me at 972-439-8219. We'll try to get more details on time, location, etc., so please be in prayer for this family and their situation.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Note from Brian


Once again Paul challenged us to determine what gifts God has given us. We are commanded to use those gifts for his Glory. Are you doing that? I am sure that at times we are doing just what God has commanded and other times, "Not so much." I am guilty as well. We receive the Holy Spirit when we receive Christ and we are "Filled with the Holy Spirit" as we allow God to control our bodies for His Glory.

Connect with God today and everyday and allow Him to fill you with his Holy Spirit. When that happens, hold on God is going to use you to accomplish his plans. Live in the word this week and see what He reveals to you.

In Him,


Need a Growth Group?

If you have not found a Growth Group within the Young ABF, please feel free to visit the Greer Growth Group picnic this Sunday, April 13th at Emerald Park near the Shores at 12:00 PM.
Please bring enough food for you and your family. Good weather and fun will be provided.
Be blessed this week in the Name of Jesus, our Savior!

Michael Wayne Greer
District Manager
Eastern USA/Canada
The Whitmore Group
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-796-6120 Cellular

Prayer Request - Cruz's

Prayer request for Cruz's- Theresa's uncle is in ICU with a collapsed lung and is not showing many signs of improvement.

Also Cruz Growth Group will meet Monday April 14th

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Praises & Prayers 4/5/08

Prayer requests/Praises:

Middleton/Tolbert - Joey M.'s and Jenn T's uncle passed away Saturday evening. Funeral is Tuesday in Mississippi.
Murphy - Shana is traveling to CA for her uncle's funeral/Mike has a possible job opportunity that will give him more flexibility with his travel schedule.
Morris - Hudson is sick.
Jones - Levi is sick with a possibly serious medical diagnosis.
Brooks - Krisha has had a couple of job interviews and several more in the coming week. Pray for wisdom in discerning the right opportunity.
Cox - Breece is sick.
Sledge - Jill's sister delivered a healthy baby girl.
Glasson - congratulations to Cole on his baptism.
Hale - Melissa will be traveling to Houston on Sunday and Monday for her aunt's chemotherapy treatments.
Prda - fundraiser garage sale for Russia mission trip went well.


Team Huddle - April 30th at 6 PM - focus is goal-setting for the class. If you want to participate, please sign-up in class.
Women's Ministry - April 7th - Conversation Peace - 7-week Bible study begins
Men's Ministry - April 8th - Man Church set-up at 8 PM; April 9th - Man Church at 7 PM
Men's Bible study - April 8th at 8:30 PM (or following Man Church set-up)

Growth Groups:

Brooks - 7 PM April 18th at Brooks' house
Greer - Noon April 13th picnic at Emerald Park
Middleton - April 18th at Sledges' house
Tolbert - April 18th dinner (TBD); dessert at Murphys' house