Thursday, April 24, 2008

Note from Brian

To All,

Wow, what a topic to discuss on Saturday. Tongues and prophecy! Quite the topic to discuss; however, it was a great thing to tackle as a class. I really appreciated the questions and discussion. The bottom line is this: do not hold any gift in a higher regard than another and always use your gift/gifts to bring Glory to God. If you follow this simple rule, you are on the right track.

It is another week and I am sure challenges lie ahead. Instead of attacking the day on your own, bring God into the mix. Pray and get into the Word. He will give the answers and strength to make it through. Not on your ability, but HIS. Read the scripture attached and let's have a wonderful time next week. And Oh, by the way. Have you read in Proverbs as Pastor Steve has challenged? Come on you know you want to. Let's learn together.

Be Blessed,


*Note from Blog Editor*
Attached scripture can be from in hyperlink "Thee Word of the Week" link to the right of this blog in the "Our Favorite Websites" Section.