Monday, April 28, 2008

Upcoming Russia Mission trip

Dear ABF family,

We are excited to say that God is giving us another opportunity to return to Russia. The Marriage Conference is proving to be one of the most requested by the Russian people of Chelny. For the last 2 years we have been able to keep in touch with several Russian couples through e-mail. Their marriages are finally showing signs of some real stability and growth. We realize most of you might not get the opportunity to go on a mission trip in the near future, so thank you for the chance to represent YOU as brothers and sisters in Christ at this time.

The cost this year is $ 6,600. Due to new changes in church policy, we in great need to raise 75% of this by May 5th. This is one of the reasons you are receiving this letter via e-mail. The church has made it very easy to give online this year.

You may go to : click ONLINE GIVING on your left, then under that, click MISSIONS GIVING. Under "Missions Offering", enter the amount you would like to give and under that type "Russia -David and Melanie PRDA". I don't think you have to enter anything beyond zip, but then you will continue on to debit/credit card info. If you need to send a check instead, you can drop it is the offering plate with "Russia-PRDA" on the envelope.By the way, we never know the amount anyone gives. The church only gives us a list of names so we can send a proper "Thank You". From $5 - ??, it is ALL a blessing to us. We do want you to know your support is never wasted and is deeply appreciated more than you know.

Most important, PLEASE keep us in your prayers July 10-18th. Also for the health, safety and protection of Nicholas and Grace while we are gone.

As always, God's richest blessings for all your support and prayers.

David and Melanie Prda