Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Man Church update

I have discussed May's Man Church with Greg and our class will not need to do the set-up this month. In lieu of helping with set-up, Greg would like our help in the following areas:

1. Tear down of scaffolding and TVs that will be set-up across from the hospitality center to promo Man Church before this weekend's services. We can tear down anytime between Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night (after Man Church). It just has to be down before Thursday. I suggest either Tuesday night or Wednesday after Man Church, but am open to another time. If we have 6-10 guys, we can knock this out quickly.

2. Greg has also requested help on Saturday night passing out promo cards to the ABFs. All that is required is placing a stack of cards on the teacher's table/lectern in each class. No public speaking required. Greg probably needs a handful of guys to help distribute the cards.

If you can help with either of these requests, please email or call me. Thanks.
