Thursday, April 10, 2008

Service/ministry opportunity

Good morning, everyone. Cindy Martinson brought an opportunity to the class's attention last night. Here is a portion of the email:

"You might recall that I put a friend of mine on the prayer list last fall or so. It's hard to sum up the horribleness of her situation. Her husband has relapsed as an alcoholic, lost his job, had an affair, and left her. There house is being foreclosed and she needs to move out this weekend. She's managed to find a job (she was an at home mom for 10 years) and it looks like she's found a house to rent.
The issue is she needs to move and I guess she has no one to help her... Eric has drills this weekend so he can't help. I got the feeling she was very desperate so I asked if she wanted me to find some people to help. She said yes..."

I know it is late notice, but if any of you (men, women, families) can help Cindy's friend this weekend, please email me or Cindy ( or call me at 972-439-8219. We'll try to get more details on time, location, etc., so please be in prayer for this family and their situation.
