Thursday, April 24, 2008

Praises & Prayers 4/19/08

Prayer requests/Praises:

Murphy's- Pray for Mike to be able to work close to home with current job or with a new company, also health for the family
Wickham- Prayer for guidance in making the best decision for school options for 12 year old daughter, Alyssa
Paramore- Kristi is having several migraines a week, doctor has put her on medication-pray that it will work
Middleton- Joey will be traveling a lot the next two weeks. Prayer over Stacie and the girls.
Jones- Prayer for continued health for Levi, seeing a immunologist this week
Prda- David has a back brace on and has for two weeks now, pray for therapy option to work on his bulging disk and that the pain can be managed. Prayers for raising all the money needed by deadline of May 1st.
Tolbert/Middleton- Jennifer and Joey's mother's friend, John went in for simple surgery and is now suffering from heart complications.

Jones: Huge praise that CF test on Levi came back negative and also for Chad's new job.
Young- Bryan to start new job, he will share more details with the class at a later date

ABF Social:
Leadership Meeting: Team Huddle on April 30th 6p.m. dinner and childcare is provided, we will be discussing ways to improve our ABF; also Growth Group Leaders meeting next weekend during the ABF hour for new GG Leaders.
Women's Ministry: Wed. May 6th, 7-9, more info to come later; weekly bible study Monday night from 7:30-8:30p.m. contact Jill for more info.
Men's Ministry: Bible study Wed. 8:30p.m. W100
Food of the Month- Peanut Butter and Jelly
Mission's: Meeting to be scheduled soon for those interesting in serving on the committee
Service: Preschool Partners, thanks to Vicki Jennings for serving tonight, next week 4/26 is the Young's.

Growth Groups:
Brooks: April 26th, Dinner after ABF
Cox: May 1st, 6:30 @ the Cox's
Cruz: Monday April 28th, 6:30 p.m. @ Johnny Carino's, kids welcomed