Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ABF Family:
It was good to see each other Saturday night. Those who were not there, know that you were missed and we hope to see you in class soon. I hope everyone enjoyed the rest of their weekend.
Speaking for the guys in the class, Sunday was an awesome day of service and fun. We started the morning with mowing at Ms. Farmer's house. Once again, we had nine guys show up and we were done in under twenty minutes. Joe Cruz had even come by earlier in the week and picked up Ms. Farmer's broken mower. He was able to get it running again and used it on the yard this week. What this shows me is that our class has a heart to not just do the bare minimum in ministry for one another and others. Instead, our class looks for opportunities to meet needs that go beyond the surface, doing more and more to show the love of God. In the afternoon, a group of ten guys from the class gathered for our men's laser tag/whirlyball event. It was a great time of friendly competition and fellowship. Who knows, we may have to start a Young ABF whirlyball team. If you weren't able to make it this time, don't worry. We will definitely plan another whirlyball event in the future.
***Note from Blog Editor...See "Favorite Website Section" for the Word of the Week.*** Brian will continue to lead us in our study of the names of Jesus. I guess it is fitting that the week following "Bread of Life" would be "Living Water." Please take time this week to prepare for the discussion in class. Above all else, take time each day to pick up your daily amount of manna from heaven in the form of Jesus. Spend time with Him and let His manna sustain you.