Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jennifer Update

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late email!

I emailed about two weeks ago to let everyone know that the first work night went so well. I had two ladies and 3 teenage girls that were such a blessing and really got a lot accomplished.

Last week, we didn't go for two reason. One, no one else was had expressed an interest in going. And I didn't keep trying to find someone to go, because Jennifer thought she was probably going to have to work late...

This week, I didn't email earlier, because I was sure if Jennifer had a conflict...

But she doesn't and needs some help... We could do it tonight or tomorrow night which ever night I can get a little help... If I could just find 2 or 3 people.

The dinning room still has several boxes that need to be unpacked. She still needs work on her closet and we need to buy/install braces for the rod in there. And honestly the whole garage pretty much needs to be emptied out, sorted, and repacked... She's certain there is a box of dirty clothes in there, but we can't find it. Very exhausted people just put boxes and things in the garage as the house filled up and there was no where for things to go...

If you could please let me know if you could help tonight or tomorrow that would be great. please call my cell. 972-898-2540.

Thursday is Jennifer's birthday, so I'll probably pick up a cake on the way, maybe a little snack..

If you can't help, but would like to send your helpful teenager, I would be happy to drive them!
