Wednesday, July 2, 2008

RE: Would you like to lower your Energy bill? Not an MLM thing... It's free....

I had the following email forwarded to me from one of Eric's coworkers this afternoon. I called immediately upon receiving it. They will be at my house as soon as we get back from vacation.
The state of Texas pays for this, you will only need to pay a $10 gas surcharge for the people to drive to your house. Also it is true that you get a $15 check for every person you refer. Cool!
The lady I spoke to on the phone said it was done on her house and her most recent electric bill was 10% lower than the month before. My most recent bill was double that of the previous month...
Subject: Need help with your electric bill?? READ!!!!

HI Everyone, Hope you are having a great summer!! Thought I would share a free service to you:

I got a ENERGY ASSESSMENT this morning. It should help in our electric bill. The Public Utility Commission of Texas has mandated that energy usage be reduced. This statewide energy conservation program is available to qualified Electric Customers. So..... what that means is IT'S FREE!!! If your house is 5 Years old or older, you can have this company come out and they will caulk doors, windows, air vents, anything that needs it. They put a fan in the doorway and suck out the air in your house and go around checking for air leaks EVERYWHERE!!!! They put weather stripping on all doors that need it. Your A/C air duct work computer tested and repaired. Carbon Monoxide test, if you have gas appliances. Air infiltration test and draft control improvement, etc. This is provided by the Government to help you "Go Green".

So, if you would like to do this, and I do not know why you wouldn't want to. Remember it's FREE, if your house is 5 yrs. or older. Call Jack @ 214-215-3037. Leave a message and they will call you back. Tell them that Marla Coy sent you. For everyone you refer, you get a $15.00 check. So, it's good for you too. :)

Have a Blessed Day!

Marla Coy