Sunday, July 27, 2008

Praises & Prayers 7/26/08

ABF Announcements


Mike Murphy - health, work

Steve Warren - stomach cancer (has spread)

Leaders - needed for 9th/10th greade boys Bible study (ABF hour). Pray positions are filled. If you feel led to lead these boys call the youth office to volunteer 469-698 2200

Tate - Pray for teaching job for Stephanie. Pray for their children over the loss of their dog, Bear

Thomas - Darrin's sister's marriage

Paramore - Pray for healing for Kristi - allergy/sinus problems for over a week. Direction for Kristi to find a teaching position that will work with her and Maddi's schedule.


Leadership meeting - Team huddle - 8/5 Tues at 6pm

Women's Ministry - WOW - 8/6 Wed from 7-9pm at Jill Lanier's home

Men's Ministry - Thanks to the men who mowed this morning!!

Growth Groups

Tolberts - Devotional 7/28 at 6:30pm at Tolberts