Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Shepherd

ABF Family,

What a wonderful weekend. As mentioned in class for the Young's Saturday was great. We finally found some time to just relax as a family. Yes there was a project list as always but we chose to just let it sit for a day. I hope each of you can find time to just relax this summer. As for Sunday, wow. In spite of the extreme heat, a lot of our abf family showed up to eat and have fellowship. Thank you to those that made this special time a reality.

We discussed Jesus as both the Lamb and the Lion on Saturday. I appreciate everyone cracking open their Bibles and reading the descriptions of Jesus. How amazing to have a Savior that is both of these normally apposing characteristics. As we read, he truly fulfills both. Take comfort that regardless of your situation, He will both comfort you and fight your battles when He is called upon.

For this week, we will look at Jesus The Good Shepherd. I look forward to how God speaks to you as you spend time with Him this week.

Be Blessed,
