Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dealing with Depravity and Support material for last Saturday

ABF Family,

What an awesome class on Saturday night. As you could tell myself and others were quite passionate about the topic, Living the Truth. God's truth is the truth, period. Many will come that try to distort this fact and as we learned, they will answer to God for this. As Barry put so well, if others dont accept the truth shame on them. If we dont know that truth as belilevers, shame on us. We are not expected to convince anyone that Christ is the way but we are comanded to know His word and tell others.

Let me caution you, do not allow guilt in your heart or mind if you do not have the answers that people ask about our saviour. Just make this a motivator to know Him more. Spend time in the Word and meditate over what it says. God will reveal the meaning. Live your life daily as the truth tells you and read the truth so you can share the good news.

As promised, I have attached some of materials that I failed to bring to class. I searched so I could compare the Truth tothe false religions that are out there. I hit the topics of Jesus, Bible and Salvation. Read and begin to understand the lies and distortion of the truth that are out there. Pray for these lost people that they would come to know the Truth.

Live in the Truth,

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