Monday, September 15, 2008

Praises & Prayers 9/13/08

For everyone effected by Hurricane Ike
Martinson- Eric is still away helping with the storms, is now headed to help with Ike, there are several soldiers who families are all alone during this time, one of them lived in area hit by storm and choose to stay there with her eight children, also Jennifer (Cindy's Friend) whom had a yucky divorce and many helped move in June has lost her job.  Praise is she has a peace that God's in control.
Tate- Collyn is sick with fever
Morris- Hudson has been sick with fever all week
Murphy- Mike's health, family finances and for guidance in the area of Shana working full time, also need still exists for the sell of Mike's truck and bike trailer.
Thomas- Natalie's mom's discernment @ moving; financial difficulties
Martinson- Cindy's dad's heart cath. test went well.  His heart hasn't gotten worse although they can't do anything to improve it.  His kidney survived!!!  Her mom did an alternative medicine thing and is now recovered from Mono.
Murphy- Mike sold his motorcycle and is away from that debt.
Hale- Melissa's cousin who lives in the area where the storm hit is o.k.
ABF- Many have families that live near the area's the Ike hit the worst, and so far all are o.k.
CHURCH WIDE: Marriage's that last seminar $30, provides childcare and breakfast 8-11a.m.
ABF- Pre School Partner's; thanks to Natalie Thomas who served tonight, Tim and Elaina Langston are scheduled to serve next weekend the 20th.
WOMEN'S- Taking meals to the Giles Family. 
Please visit to see what day you have signed up for.  Please go in and change your info and add what you think you may be bringing. 
The undo code is food
Once you have changed your info you can assign any undo code you like so no one else can change your entry except for you.
There were two who signed up for days that were already taken that I forgot to mark off, Angela Moran signed up for Wed. Sept. 17th and Vicki Jennings signed up for Wed. Oct. 8th.  Please except my apology and look at the web site to see if there is another day you feel you could sign up for.  It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, as long as it is open, please fill free to take it if you can. 
CRUZ- Monday Sept. 22nd 6:30p.m. @ the Cruz's; Visitor's welcomed
MIDDLETON- Sunday Sept. 21 5:30p.m. @ the church; room TBA
TOLBERT- Sunday Sept. 28th 5:30p.m. @ the church; room TBA

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