Thursday, May 29, 2008

Church in Arlington Trip date set

Good Morning,

The date for the church in Arlington trip is June 22nd. So far, we have 1 van reserved. It will seat
15 people. We will need a guy to volunteer to drive it. Please let me know if you would be able to. We are finalizing details, but the date is set.

Now that we have a date set, please email me three
1. That you are for sure going (and how many)
2. If you are for sure needing to ride the van (and how many)
3. If you are driving

It would probably be best that those that have car seats (like myself) carpool.

I know that we did the sign up in class, but some people might have missed it. If you signed up, please still email me.

Please email me by Saturday morning so we can get a final count.

Pam Gatton