Monday, May 5, 2008

UPDATED: Man Church update

Guys: Slight change to the needs for this month's Man Church. Since there is a group of people that already distribute church announcements/materials to the ABFs, Lake Pointe has agreed to distribute the promo materials with the usual packets of information. Result is we no longer need to help distribute the promo cards to the ABFs on Saturday night. Greg has asked that we still handle the tear down of the scaffolding and TVs. A couple of guys have already volunteered to help with the tear down, but we probably need 4-5 more guys. If you are available to help, please let me know. We are currently looking at Tuesday evening to do the tear down, but we can adjust this based on when the most guys are available. Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve. Greg and the rest of the Man Church leadership continue to express their appreciation to our class for our service with this ministry.
