Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Praises & Prayers 5/24/08

Prda- Russia Mission trip coming up July 10th
Tate- Please pray for restoration of Natalie and Jody's marriage and for their six year old daughter Delany who was just diagnosed with epilepsy.
Sledge- Please continue to pray for Mallorie, who is still in hospital with Bacterial Meningitis, waiting on release from the Neurologist, and praying she will some home Monday
Murphy- Mike is home now, but unclear on his employment with this company. Please pray for God's guidance for work, for him and also that God will provide for us in every way.
ABF Social: July 13th Harry Myers sprinkler park, Pavilion has been reserved from 12-5p.m.
Growth Group Gatherings to be decided by GG Leaders, see your GG Leader for details
Women's Ministry: WOW Wednesday June 4th 7-9 p.m.
Men's Ministry: Whirly Ball/Laser Tag date TBA, Yard work for elderly grandmother who is taking care of her five year old great grand daughter, look for e-mail from John later this week about this service opportunity
Missions: June; worship with a Church in Arlington. Date to be decided after ABF is over.
Growth Groups:
Cox: May 26th cookout @ Sewell's 12:00
Cruz: May 25th 9a.m. IHOP; 10:30 a.m. Harry Myers Sprinkler Park
Middleton: May 30th meeting at the Ford's house
Tolbert: June TBA; @ Hale's home for swim party