Saturday, May 10, 2008

Word of the Week

ABF Family:

I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship and teaching this past week. Brian, thank you for reminding us about the mission of Home Pointe and the resources available to us as we intentionally strive to build strong families at home. Please bring your completed Home Pointe appraisals back to class this week so we can collect them and turn them in to the church.

This week, we have the treat of hearing Jill Sledge teach the lesson. Attached is the Word of the Week. Please take time this week to prepare your heart and mind for class. Jill always does a phenomenal job in preparing to teach, so let's give the same devotion to preparing to learn.

One last thing, let's continue the great fellowship with one another in class. Wear your name tag and, rather than sit down when you come in the room, stand up and move around the class. Find a visitor or someone you don't really know and visit with them a little. If you don't know what to talk about, here is a simple FORM of conversation:

F - ask about their family (how many kids, how many years married, hometown, etc.)
O - ask about their occupation
R - ask about recreational activities they enjoy (you might find out you enjoy similar activities)
M - share the message that you are glad they are in our class.

Just as we strive to be intentional at home, let's be intentionally friendly and welcoming in class. See you Saturday.
