Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Deliverer

It was great to see everyone in class this Saturday. I am sure that everyone is anticipating a wonderful summer ahead. .It is hard to believe how fast the year has gone.
I realize that the summer is typically for getting out of routines, but lets be crazy and get into a few routines this summer. Lets all use the Home Pointe tools to be focused on our spiritual growth for us and our families. Secondly, lets foucs on discovering who Jesus is to you. Lets all get beyond speaking about Him and get to know Him. Go from Jesue in the Bible to the most important thing in your life. He wants to be your all and all. In order for you to do that you need to have a relationship with Him.
Begin this week and read the word of the week and walk through the "Seven Steps to Living Like Jesus." Lets encourage each other this summer to prepare for class, attend all that you can (make it a priority), participate and lets grow this summer.
In His precious Name,

* Note from Blog...click on Adult Bible Fellowships Summer 2008 or Thee Word For The Week in the Favorite Website section for this weeks readings.