Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life That Wins

Please be aware for any of you that are attending the Life That Wins event on Friday June 6th

that there will be a coffee bar outside the venue that is open to all Life that Wins guests. Katie Mariah will be performing in the Coffee Bar from 6:00-6:45pm for your enjoyment. You can check her out at prior to the show if you are interested in finding out more. The address of Live at Mokah is 2803 Taylor Street in DeepEllum.

For those of you not attending the event and are in the Rockwall area, she is performing at Texas Roast at 8:45pm on Friday night as well. The address at Texas Roast is 2345 Ridge Road.

We look forward to seeing you there (btw, we are competing to see who can get the most people there, I expect to win!!)

Thanks TG