Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Am Truly Blessed by You All


Please read through the email below. Some of you might have seen this but it deserves sharing. As a teacher, I can talk and pray all that I want but it is the ABF Family that is Christ's hands and feet. Thank you for blessing me and as you read below others around you. Words can not express how I feel as I read the words below.



Wanted to pass along this encouraging email regarding your ABF. A true picture of what it means to share the love of Christ. My favorite quote is from Saint Francis of Assissi....Preach the gospel at all times -- If necessary, use words.

You guys are speaking loudly. Thanks for your leadership.



------ Forwarded Message

From: Glenda Alford <glendaa@lakepointe.org>

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 10:50:09 -0500

To: Steve Stroope <steves@lakepointe.org>

Cc: Rick Burge <rickb@lakepointe.org>, <bmmhale@sbcglobal.net>, <byoung@axogeninc.com>

Conversation: What a blessing to hear this!

Subject: What a blessing to hear this! I received a call this morning from an elderly lady named Barbara Farmer. She is raising a 5 year old and had taken her to gymnastics which another family member is paying for. While there she met Bobby and Melissa Hale (Young ABF) and in the time of visiting mentioned her yard needing mowed but her lawn mower was broken. The Hale’s mentioned they went to church on Sat. night at LP and would be glad to come by on Sunday. Sunday morning Barbara said 8 men showed up and had her yard mowed and then later one returned with Amdro because he had noticed fire ants at her back door. Barbara mentioned she is a member of another church in Rockwall and is assigned a deacon. She mentioned last year needing her yard done and no one ever came from her church to mow or to minister to her.Barbara specifically ask me to let Pastor Steve know there are people at Lake Pointe who truly get what being a Christian is about and how grateful she is to have had God put Bobby and Melissa in her path last Saturday.

Blessings,Glenda Alford

Pastoral Care Administrative Assistant to:Wayne Slay and Lyn Cypert

Lake Pointe Church 469-698-2219

glendaa@lakepointe.org "When GOD possesses the dreamer Hewill mold the dream and it will be Right”------ End of Forwarded Message