Thursday, June 12, 2008

Final details on Arlington Church (A Life)

Good Afternoon,

I have the final details on this trip. It will be so neat. I hope you can join us.

We will meet at Lakepointe at 9am to caravan. Since our church has services and it is crowded, let's meet in the back parking lot (we will be there in a white Impala). The service starts at 10:30 am. I will have directions to the church that morning in case we get separated. After the service they will provide a lunch for us, which I have been told is delicious. This will give us a chance to worship with and meet the people there. It is an immigrant church, so most members are there straight from Africa. The Gomez ABF will also be there. Jeff, our contact person, said to dress business casual.

I will be emailing him on Sunday a head count of exactly how many are going so they know how much food to prepare. I will get a count Saturday night in class, but if you aren't going to be in class and want to go, please email me ( by Saturday and let me know how many are going. You can also just reply to all to this email.

I would like to encourage you to really try to go. It is going to be such an exciting experience.

When our church gets ready to send mission teams to Africa, those teams go and visit this church, so it should be very authentic.

Pam Gatton