Sunday, June 1, 2008

Praises & Prayers 5/31/08

Wickams- Bob is still in Kansas City with father who is suffering with cancer and not doing well, please pray for Bob, his father and mother and for their whole family at this trying time.
Murphy- Mike is out of work and looking for something new. Please keep him in your prayers for this and also for healing for him.
Thomas- Neighbor, Barbara, has re injured back and may need surgery, also that seeds could be planted for interest in attending church.
Martinson- Cindy's friend Jennifer is having to move tomorrow, after nasty divorce, a lot of help is needed and Eric has e-mailed directions to her house if you are available to help, if not please keep her in your prayers through this time of transition.
Tate- Stephanie will travel to Iowa for four days next weekend, prayers are asked for safe travel and for Brian who will be home with the kids. AMEN!
Furguson and Hale- for safe travel to and from Florida for vacation.
ABF SOCIAL- Save the date, July 13th; Harry Myers Spray Park 12-5p.m.
LEADERSHIP MEETING- June 8th for Growth Group Leaders @ The Cox's home
Women's Ministry- WOW Wednesday June 4th, 7-9 p.m. @ The Young's home
Men's Ministry- Lawn work for senior citizen starts next weekend. June 29th Whirley Ball in Plano, plus Lazer Tag 2-5p.m.
Mission- traveling to Arlington as a class to worship with another church. June 22nd. More info to follow later. Food of the Month, check bulletin board for June's need.
Service- Pre School Partners, see Angela Lazaro for more info
Brooks- June 13th, Brooks house
Cox- June 5th, 6:30 @ Cox house
Cruz- June 9th, 6:30 place TBA (VISITORS WELCOMED) children always welcomed.
Greer- June 20th, 7p.m. adults only PF Changs
Middleton- June 6th and 27th
Tolberts- June 13th, Hale's for a swim party
Greer/Middleton- Sat. June 28th after ABF @ Joe Willy's
Tolbert/Cruz/Non Growth Group Members- Sunday June 29th 9a.m.-11a.m. breakfast @ Harry Myers Spray Park. Bring your breakfast and kids in swim suits.
(if your growth group is not listed yet, please check with your GG Leader for more details)