Thursday, June 12, 2008

Prayer Request for Jennifer

Oh my! You just wouldn't believe what we accomplished Tuesday evening. What a burden it lifted off Jennifer. I looked like a home by the time we finished. But you know how it is moving in, getting one room straightened generally means you've messed another one up. In our case that was true, but it is looking so much better. Thank you to the wonderful ladies and the young ladies that helped!
Thursday Jennifer has a court date. Not sure what is supposed to happen here. However I know she would appreciate the prayer. I really believe Satan tries to cause as much destruction in family court as possible. I know you don't know Jennifer so I don't ask you to necessarily pray that things will go her way, just pray that God's hand will be on the situation. Pray that the Judge is a godly judge and makes the best determination for the children here. Pray that the judge is discerning and fair. Pray for God's will for this family.
Thank you all for praying!